The New NIH Intramural Research Program Access Planning Policy

Introduction In January 2025, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) introduced a new NIH Intramural Research Program Access Planning Policy (“IRP Access Planning Policy” or “Policy”). An NIH web page provides links to several documents describing the policy: The… Continue Reading

KEI Comments to NIH on Exclusive License to T-Cure Biosciences for Anti-KK-LC-1 T Cell Receptors Patents

KEI-NIH-T-Cure-Biosciences22Oct2024 Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) objects to the “Prospective Grant of an Exclusive Patent License: Anti-KK-LC-1 T Cell Receptors” (89 FR 81089) to T-Cure Biosciences, Inc. (T-Cure). Among other things, KEI said the NIH needs to be more forthcoming in… Continue Reading