May 9 to May 13, 2016
WIPO’s Page for the Meeting
- Fundación Karisma at WIPO SCCR32 on broadcast treaty
- SCCR 32 DAY 4 Groups on Libraries and Archives Issues
- SCCR 32 Day 1 Agenda and Group Statements
- SCCR 32 Day 1 Director General Francis Gurry addressed the Committee
- SCCR 32 Day 1: Object of Protection
- SCCR 32 Day 1: EU statement on some definitions
- SCCR 32 Day 1: Rights to be granted
- SCCR 32 Day 1: US Delegation Statement on some definitions
- SCCR 32 Day 2: Beneficiaries, Term of protection, limitations and exceptions, TPMs & DRMs
- SCCR 32 Day 2: Plenary or Informals?
- SCCR 32 Day 2: Confidential Discussions re Casters; Treaty
- SCCR 32 Day 2: Discussion on transmission over computer network
- SCCR 32 Day 2: What is missing from the broadcasting treaty discussion?
- SCCR 32 Day 4 Africa Group Statement regarding support for L&E for education, research and people with other disabilities
- SCCR 32 Day 4 Some countries statements re Libraries & Archives
- SCCR 32 Day 4: proposal for limitations for people with other disabilities
- SCCR 32 EFF on the GRULAC paper
- SCCR 32 KEI on Cross Border Uses
- SCCR 32 NGOs comments on parallel importations for Libraries & Archives
- SCCR 32: EIFL.NET on Orphan works
- SCCR 32: IFLA on Orphan Works
- SCCR 32: SAA Statement on Orphan Works
- SCCR 32: US Statement on Cross Border Uses (Item 6) Libraries & Archives
- SCCR 32: USA on Grulac Paper and other possible topics
- SCCR32 Day 4 Strong statement on education by the American University PIJIP
- SCCR32 Day 4: KEI Statement on education, the Tunis Model Law and machine translation
- SCCR32 Day 4: Contributions of the SCCR to the implementation of the respective Development Agenda recommendations
- SCCR32, Day 5: African Group statement on copyright limitations and exceptions for educational and research institutions
- SCCR32: KEI, EIFL and FIM comments on GRULAC Papers
- SCCR32: Conclusion by the chair and comments from the floor