Why are there brackets on A2K?
Paragraph 3 of Cluster B reads:
3. To discuss possible new initatives and strengthen existing mechanisms within WIPO to facilitate [access to knowledge] and technology for developing countries and LDCs and to foster creativity and innovation within WIPO’s mandate.
I talked with Canada during to break, to see where they stood. I can report that Canada was completely negative about removing the brackets from [access to knowledge].
Italy, on behalf of Group B, called for the brackets. The US government does not want the phrase “Access to Knowledge” to appear in the document. “‘It’s out of WIPO’s mandate” said one very highly placed member of the US Del.
Wow, it’s 2007, and the US, Canada and the EU are opposing the idea that WIPO could “discuss possible new initiatives” that involve access to knowledge? Why is the US government doing this? It’s not as the U.S. government doesn’t value a2k initiatives back home. Is the delegation captured by the publisher lobby?
Mary Beth Peters — call Geneva. Congress, call the USPTO, and call Mary Beth.