September 30, 2022. James Love. WTO Agreement on the Supply of Public Goods. Presentation at WTO Public Forum side event, “Creation and Protection of Public Goods for Health (the Experience of COVID-19)“.
July 9, 2020. James Love. The Use and Abuse of the Phrase “Global Public Good”. India China Institute, The New School.
June 16, 2016. Thiru Balasubramaniam, Trade Agreements and the Supply of Public Goods: Report of the Berlin meeting to consider a possible WTO Agreement on the supply of public/social goods, Published by Heinrich Böll Stiftung.
February 28, 2016. KEI Contribution To The United Nations Secretary-General’s High Level Panel On Access To Medicines Trade Agreements and The Supply Of Public Goods (link here).
Report of consultations in Berlin and Geneva, forthcoming.
June 6, 2014. Duncan Green, Jamie Love’s Next Big Idea: Making the WTO into a force for good in Public Health. From Poverty to Power.
July 8, 2014 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Tuberculosis (APPGTB) released a seminal report entitled, “Dying for a Cure: Research and Development for Global Health.” Among other things, the report called for work on a WTO Agreement on the Supply of Public Goods. [Link here
July 14, 2014. New UK Parliamentary report on Global TB urges the United Kingdom to explore a WTO Agreement on the Provision of Public Goods
October 1, 2014. Trade related aspects of open medical R&D, presented at UAEM side event at WTO, (Link here).
October 11, 2014. Increasing the supply of global public goods. Presentation at Humanitarian Congress, Berlin. (Link here)
October 14, 2014. Short slides, WTO agreement on public goods. (Link here)
November 6, 2014, NAM, MSF, UNDP workshop, Bali. Slides here.
September 21, 2011. KEI/IQsensato panel at WTO Public Forum: Proposal for a WTO Agreement on the Supply of Knowledge as a Public Good.
January 2009. Presentation at the World Forum on Science and Democracy, held in Belém, Brasil. (See the text of the Belém remarks here, and a comment by David Bollier here.)
December 1, 2009. KEI presented a proposal for a WTO agreement on the supply of global public goods, at a joint KEI/IQSensato side event at the Geneva WTO ministerial meeting. The slides from the side event are available in PDF format.
The proposal was first presented by KEI by Manon Ress in a 2008 workshop on public goods held at Columbia University. The text is available here.