The 2012 WIPO/Library of Congress International Copyright Training symposium for developing countries

This week WIPO and the Library of Congress are holding a week long symposium on International Copyright, with title:

Emerging Issues in Copyright and Related Rights for Developing
Countries and Countries with Economies in Transition
organized by
the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
in cooperation with
the United States Copyright Office, Library of Congress
Washington D.C., March 19 to 23, 2012

KEI will speaking during a Wednesday panel on “Freedom on the Internet: How Copyright and Free Expression Coexist,” which includes KEI, Public Knowledge and the Copyright Alliance. Many of the panels for the five day event feature US government officials, Staff members from the US Congress, or lobbyists for the copyright industry. The program for the event is attached.

Thursday is the most extreme example of the rightholder tilt in the program. The program includes speakers from the MPAA (twice), the America Association of Publishers (AAP), the US Chamber, BSA, Viacom, RIAA, IIPA, ASCAP, USTR, DOJ, LOC, ICE, and one speaker from Google for balance.
