During the week of 14 May 2012, the Republic of Kenya submitted a resolution to the 65th session of the World Health Assembly entitled, “WHO Convention on Research and Development Financing and Coordination”. The resolution will be published by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a conference paper for discussion in Committee A under agenda item 13.14 Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination. It is expected that this agenda item on the CEWG will be brought forward for early discussion at the Assembly.
Please see this link for the text: /wp-content/uploads/KenyaresolutionR&DConvention.pdf
Here are two excerpts from the operative section of the resolution.
“3.DECIDESTo establish an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to develop the WHO Convention on Research and Development Financing and Coordination taking into account the CEWG recommendations, in particular, the strengthening and securing sustainable funding to address identified R&D priorities of developing countries; promoting R&D in diseases that disproportionately affect developing countries; delinking R&D costs and prices of products; enhancing innovative capacity of developing countries and technology transfer; generating R&D outcomes as public goods and strengthening R&D coordination mechanisms”
“5. REQUESTS the Director-General:(1) to convene immediately the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to draft and negotiate the WHO Convention on Research and Development Financing and Coordination, and to allocate the necessary resources to it;
(2) to provide secretarial and other support to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body including required financial resources, services and facilities for the performance of its work, and as necessary regional regional consultations;
(3) to invite in consultation with Member States, six experts to attend the sessions of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to provide advice and expertise, as necessary upon request of the Chairman, taking into account the need to avoid conflicts of interest;
(4) to invite as observers at sessions of the INB on the WHO Convention on Research and Financing and Coordination in accordance with the provisions of resolution WHA27.37 and other relevant Rules of Procedure and resolutions of the Health Assembly;
(5) to submit progress report to the Sixty-seventh World Health Assembly and the final WHO Convention on Research and Development Financing and Coordination through the Executive Board to the Sixty-Eighth World Health Assembly.”