Working Document Proposed by Barbados and Bolivia

April 2008
According to resolution WHA60.30 on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property, the Director-General of the WHO is asked:

(4) to encourage the development of proposals for health-needs driven research and development for discussion at the Intergovernmental Working Group that includes a range of incentive mechanisms including also addressing the linkage of the cost of research and development and the price of medicines, vaccines, diagnostic kits and other health-care products and a method for tailoring the optimal mix of incentives to a particular condition or product, with the objective of addressing diseases that disproportionately affect developing countries;

In this regard, Barbados and Bolivia are attaching for discussion six proposals for the possible use of new incentive mechanisms for innovation that separate linkages between rewards to innovation and the price of medicines, vaccines, diagnostic kits and other health-care products.

Each of the proposals attempt to address different solutions to promote R&D on specific health issues:

Proposal 1: Prize Fund for Development of Low-Cost Rapid Diagnostic Test for Tuberculosis.
This is an example of the use of a prize fund to address a discrete public health need.

Proposal 2: Prize Fund for the Development of New Treatments for Chagas Disease. This is an example of how a prize fund might be designed to increase treatments for a single neglected disease.

Proposal 3: Priority Medicines and Vaccines Prize Fund (PMV/pf). This is a more ambitious proposal for a sustainable system of prizes to stimulate innovation in four areas of public health need, including R&D for Type III and Type II diseases, new antibiotics, and treatments for emerging public health threats.

Proposal 4: Prizes as a Reward Mechanism for New Cancer Treatments. This is a proposal for a sustainable system of rewards for an important Type I disease, as it relates to the use of these products in developing countries.

Proposal 5: Licensed Products Prize Fund (LP/pf) for Donors. This proposal presents a possible solution for donor-supported markets. It would link an R&D reward system to voluntary agreements to license the competitive supply of products for AIDS, TB and malaria and for other humanitarian uses. This proposal would address the need for donors that support humanitarian programs to have access to medicines at competitive generic prices, while providing sustainable rewards to innovators.

In addition, we note that the WHO Member States have tentatively reached consensus on a text that agrees that there will be discussions about a possible biomedical R&D treaty. In this regard, we also attach Proposal 6: for a global agreement on the funding of clinical trials as public goods as one of the possible elements of such a treaty. The proposal addresses the need for government funding of clinical trials that support the development of new drugs and vaccines, and also the funding of independent trials for the evaluation of safety and cost-effectiveness of existing products.
