On Tuesday, 4 February 2024, noted that “WHO’s technical support in technology transfer is not adequately reflected” in the current Executive Board documentation on Financing and implementation of the Programme budget 2024–2025. Bangladesh’s full statement is reproduced below.
Item 23.1
Financing and implementation of the Programme budget 2024–2025
Bangladesh statement
Thank you, Chair. We appreciate the Secretariat for the report.
GPW 13 is in the final biennium while GPW 14 is in the offing. At this critical juncture, flexible funds from the donors would be vital in addressing the financing gap in the base budget.
During the PBAC meeting, it was well manifested that the financing gap in the budget can be managed if a small portion of the earmarked funds from the voluntary contributions are set aside as flexible funds. This would help continue the critical functions of WHO in a predictable manner.
We would like to flag that it would be unfortunate if WHO’s healthy emergency program and critical operations on Polio, Tuberculosis and HIV suffer a setback owing to a shortage of funds for the base programme.
In output 3.2.3, we have a specific observation. We notice that WHO’s technical support in technology transfer is not adequately reflected. Hence, we urge for adequate attention of the Member States to create enablers for WHO in promoting technology transfer. This would create the passage for diversifying manufacturing of health products across all regions. At the same time, it would ascertain equitable access to health products.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we felt very well that our fate in health is intertwined. So, we all should demonstrate our solidarity to safeguard health for all through our efforts in crafting the appropriate budgetary provisions.
I thank you, Chair.