The negotiations on the development agenda text have progressed, and as of last evening, it appears as though the term “access to knowledge” is now without brackets. The relevant paragraph now reads as follows:
“To initiate discussions on how, within WIPO’s mandate, to further facilitate access to knowledge and technology for developing countries and LDCs to foster creativity and innovation and to strengthen such existing activities within WIPO.”
I think this is a very good outcome, and gives WIPO the mandate that it needs to move forward in this area.
Some of the Group B countries had difficulty explaining why they were opposed to WIPO discussing “access to knowledge.” Even more important, the developing country delegations were very strong on this issue. Now it will be necessary to build the case for specific A2K initiatives at WIPO, in an environment where WIPO has agreed that the topic is relevant and appropriate.
Many participants in the “green room” discussions here say the atmosphere has been quite good this week, from everyone, including the Group B countries and the WIPO Secretariat.