The Algerian coordinator of the African Group just outlined the state of play on the language concerning access to knowledge.
As reported previously, the language of paragraph 3 of Cluster B reads:
3. To discuss possible new initatives and strengthen existing mechanisms within WIPO to facilitate [access to knowledge] and technology for developing countries and LDCs and to foster creativity and innovation within WIPO’s mandate.
The African Group coordinator stressed that the key issue of Paragraph 3 was access to knowledge and transfer of technology. He noted that one set of demandeurs wanted to have a proposal on the “discussion of access to knowledge” within WIPO and strengthen existing mechanisms with WIPO on access to knowledge. Another set of demandeurs wanted language included on a a new mechanism (new initiatives) to facilitate access to knowledge and technology.
The African Group coordinator noted that the Group of Friends of Development and African Group do NOT want to delete access to knowledge as this will dilute proposal.
It was reported that Italy on behalf of Group B (rich countries) wanted to put brackets around access to knowledge
The African Group coordinator emphasized that the language in Cluster B (Paragraph 3) on access to knowledge was reflective of the WIPO membership.
Brazil on behalf of the Friends of Development added “possible” before “new initiatives” so as not to preclude the creation new initiatives and mechanisms within WIPO to facilitate access to knowledge.