On April 28, TACD will be holding a meeting from 9 am to 3 pm at the U.S. Department of Commerce, in Washington, DC, to discuss the proposed Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA).
The Trans-Atlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) is a trade advisory board to the United States government and the European Commission. The current TACD membership includes 51 EU and 28 US consumer organizations, plus observer members from Canada and one from Australia. (More details on the TACD web page.)
Title: ACTA and Consumers
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Time: 9 AM to 3 PM
The Auditorium at the Department of Commerce, Washington DC
Main Entrance on 14th Street (between Pennsylvania and Constitution
Program: The detailed program will be distributed soon. It will likely consist of three panels (speakers and respondents to be announced soon).
Panel 1. The impact of ACTA on copyrighted goods
Panel 2. The impact of ACTA on markets for medicine and other patented or trademarked goods and services
Panel 3. The ACTA negotiating process and the future role of ACTA as an institution.
Registration: Free and open to the public.
Contact Manon Ress (manon.ress@keionline.org) for more details.