Here is the resolution that was adopted.
Among the key parts of the 2 page resolution are the following:
1. WELCOMES the analysis of the CEWG report and expresses its appreciation to the Chair, Vice Chair and all the members of the Working Group for their work;
2. URGES Member States:2
(1) to hold national level consultations among all relevant stakeholders in order to discuss the CEWG report and other relevant analyses resulting in concrete proposals and actions;
(2) to participate actively in the meetings at regional and global level referred to in this resolution;
(3) to implement, where feasible, in their respective countries, proposals and actions identified by national consultations;
4. REQUESTS regional committees to discuss at their 2012 meetings the report of the CEWG in the context of the implementation of the global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property2 in order to contribute to concrete proposals and actions;
5. REQUESTS the Director-General to hold an open-ended Member States2 meeting in order to analyse thoroughly the report and the feasibility of the recommendations proposed by the CEWG, taking into account, as appropriate, related studies. The meeting will also take into account the results from national consultations and regional committee discussions and develop proposals or options relating to (1) research coordination, (2) financing and (3) monitoring of R&D expenditures,/3/ to be presented under a substantive item dedicated to the follow up of the CEWG report at the Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly, through the Executive Board at its 132nd session.
fn1 1 And, where applicable, regional economic integration organizations.
fn2 Resolutions WHA61.21 and WHA62.16.
fn3 As defined in the Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property.