In advance of the 76th World Health Assembly (21–30 May 2023), the World Health Organization (WHO) published a document (A76/INF./5) on 24 April 2023 entitled, “Voluntary contributions by fund and by contributor, 2022.” Total voluntary contributions to WHO’s Total General Fund in 2022 amounted to $3,624,121,848; in 2021, total voluntary contributions were $3,333,381,493.
Total voluntary contributions to the WHO in 2022 amounted to $3,656,448,694, as compared to $3,365,230,831 in 2021.
Here is a non-exhaustive list detailing the sources of voluntary contributions to the WHO General Fund and the size of their respective contributions in 2022.
United States of America: $739,315,812
Germany: $597,344,713
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: $390,349,552
GAVI Alliance: $202,606,585
European Commission: $193,272,752
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: $168,611,474
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF): $94,275,341
Canada: $85,436,831
Iran (Islamic Republic of): $85,318,622
World Bank: $72,516,799
France: $71,340,647
Rotary International: $66,926,307
United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund: $65,736,174
United Nations Development Progamme (UNDP): $50,978,847
Netherlands (Kingdom of the): $49,223,692
Norway: $48,100,716
India: $46,953,692
Nigeria: $40,007,697
Japan: $30,125,811
Sweden: $33,082,530
United Arab Emirates: $27,427,126
Saudi Arabia: $25,408,588
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA): $24,755,482
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM): $24,247,547
Italy: $23,555,206
Republic of Korea: $19.423,376
UNITAID: $16,143,135
Denmark: $15,160,258
Switzerland: $13,346,349
China: $12,868,698
Russian Federation: $12,799,453
Australia: $12,702,480
Luxembourg: $11,813,929
National Philanthropic Trust (NPTf): $10,855,630
Romania: $10,573,516
Somalia: $8,928,572
King Baudouin Foundation United States (KBFUS): $8,863,861
Guinea-Bissau: $8,280,207
Spain: $7,861,687
Belgium: $7,858,595
GlaxoSmithKline: $6,369,159
Kuwait: $6.170,800
Democratic Republic of Congo: $5,749,647
Libya: $5,437,918
Equatorial Guinea: $5,219,265
Bangladesh: $5,405,289
Bloomberg Family Foundation: $4,000,045
Novo Nordisk Foundation: $3,667,392
Hoffmann-La Roche and Co., Ltd: $3,520,045
Belarus: $3,395,963
Kobe Group (Hyogo Prefecture Kobe Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Kobe Steel, Ltd.): $3,000,000
Indonesia: $2,311,649
Kazakhstan: $2,000,000
Greece: $1,966,479
Türkiye: $1,932,211
Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain: $1,771,377
Government of Flanders, Belgium: $1,145,978
Ukraine: $893,639
Egypt: $663,222
Thailand: $513,287
Macao, SAR, People’s Republic of China: $448,705
Sao Tome and Principe: $412,435
Seoul Metropolitan Government of the Republic of Korea: $391,975
Sindh, Pakistan: $319,985
Emilia-Romagna, Italy, $283.282
Sierra Leone: $271,200
La Métropole Grand Lyon, France: $263,132
Veneto: $236,278
Sri Lanka: $230,400
Regione Lazio (Italy): $217,391
Regional Government of Puglia, Italy: $105,597
Singapore: $100,000
San Marino: $53,763
Malaysia: $25,000