PAF v AbbVie excessive pricing case the Netherlands

On 14 May 2024, the Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation (PAF) had their first hearing in their case against Abbvie at the Amsterdam District Court. The case concerns Abbvie’s pricing practices for its blockbuster drug Humira (adalimumab), one of the world’s best-selling… Continue Reading

UN rejects amendment to limit technology transfer to “voluntary and mutually agreed terms” in resolution on global health

Revised May 6, 2024 Against the backdrop of the tortuous negotiations among WHO Member States on technology transfer and know-how at the last mile of the pandemic agreement talks, on Wednesday, 1 May 2024, Switzerland offered a surprise amendment in… Continue Reading

Request for Amendment to add Risdiplam for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) to Schedule 1 of the Canadian Patent Act

On March 1st, Knowledge Ecology International sent a letter to The Hon. Mark Holland, Ministry of Health, and The Hon. François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science, and Industry, urging the prompt consideration of adding risdiplam, a drug to treat spinal… Continue Reading

People’s Vaccine Alliance Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau Urgently Requesting the Amendment of Schedule 1

On May 18th, the People’s Vaccine Alliance sent Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, a letter urgently requesting that vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics for COVID-19 be added to Schedule 1 of the Patent Act. Below is the text of the PVA… Continue Reading

KEI submission to Canada Standing Committee on International Trade and Investment Policy: Concerning COVID-19

Brief to Standing Committee on International Trade and Investment Policy: Selected Consideration Concerning COVID-19 Vaccines Knowledge Ecology International James Love and Arianna Schouten 30 April 2021 This brief will discuss (1) the scope and purpose of the proposed World Trade… Continue Reading

41 Canadian Experts Request Amendment to Schedule 1 of the Patent Act to include COVID-19 vaccines

On April 27th, a letter signed by 41 Canadian experts was sent to the Prime Minister of Canada, the Minister of Innovation, Science & Industry, and the Minister of Health. The letter requests the amendment of Schedule 1 of the… Continue Reading

Canada based Biolyse Pharma Seeks to Manufacture COVID-19 Vaccines for Low-Income Countries, may test Canada’s compulsory licensing for export law

On March 11th 2021, Biolyse Pharma (“Biolyse”) issued a statement publicly indicating their capacity to manufacture a COVID-19 vaccine and their intent to apply for a compulsory license in Canada. Biolyse is a Canadian manufacturer of cancer drugs based out… Continue Reading