Joint letter to Dr. Fauci at NIAID, regarding the geographic scope of RNAceuticals HIV patent license, asks that exclusivity not extend to countries with low and moderate incomes

Below is a letter from several individuals and groups, asking that NIAID not grant exclusive rights in a HIV patent license for South Africa, India and other low income countries. (PDF version here) The license is to RNAceuticals, a firm… Continue Reading

KEI receives seven new contracts for COVID 19 research from BARDA and DOD, including five using “Other Transactions Authority” that weaken or eliminate Bayh-Dole and FAR Safeguards

KEI has a number of outstanding requests under the United States Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for contracts related to biomedical innovations to control or treat the COVID-19 pandemic. On Thursday, June 25, and Friday, June 26, we received a… Continue Reading

AstraZeneca, Pfizer, IFPMA on the WHO COVID-19 Pool at May 28, 2020 IFPMA Press Briefing

At a May 28,2020 press briefing organized by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA), pharma CEOs and the IFPMA DG commented on the WHO proposal for a global pool for rights in technologies for the diagnosis, prevention… Continue Reading

WHO member states poised to adopt weaker than needed COVID-19 resolution after tortuous negotiations

UPDATE: The World Health Organization has published the COVID-19 response resolution as a conference paper (A73/CONF./1) marked with the date of 18 May 2020. The sponsors of the draft resolution included: Albania, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bhutan, Bolivia (Plurinational State… Continue Reading

Comments of Knowledge Ecology International Regarding “Purple Book Enhancement; Establishment of a Public Docket; Request for Comments” (FDA-2020-N-0437)

May 4, 2020 Comments of Knowledge Ecology International Regarding “Purple Book Enhancement; Establishment of a Public Docket; Request for Comments” (FDA-2020-N-0437) Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) provides the following comments regarding the Food and Drug Administration [FDA]’s Purple Book Enhancement. Our… Continue Reading