KEI Comments Regarding the NIST Special Publication 1234 Draft Green Paper on Return on Public Investment

KEI filed comments on the NIST Draft Green paper on the return from investment on federally funded R&D (See: We expect the comment period to be extended, but filed this on January 9, 2018, as an initial submission. KEI-comments-NIST-SP-1234-ROI-9Jan2018… Continue Reading

2018: KEI comments on Navy proposed exclusive license to Vedevo for data compression patent

Office of Research and Technology Applications, Naval Postgraduate School, Research and Sponsored Programs Office, NPS Code 41, 699 Dyer Road, Bldg. HA, Room 226, Via. Ms. Deborah Buettner, Director, Research and Sponsored Programs Office, email: Dear Deborah Beuttner, We… Continue Reading

2018: Comments on NIH license to Bull Run Capital, Inc. for safer non-lethal antagonist

Jaime M. Greene Senior Licensing and Patenting Manager NCI Technology Transfer Center Email: December 16, 2018 Re: Comments on “Prospective Grant of an Exclusive Patent License: Agonist/Antagonist Compositions and Methods of Use for certain inventions” (83 FR 61659) Dear… Continue Reading

Pfizer asked USTR to block Malaysia requirement on drug price transparency. September 2017

KEI has received Pfizer and USTR emails and a Pfizer briefing memo to USTR from September 2017, asking the USTR to block a Malaysia Requirement to disclose drug prices. The documents were obtained under a Freedom of Information request to… Continue Reading

Communications between Gilead and USTR regarding Malaysia compulsory license on HCV patents, 2017 to May 2018

The attached document is a 78 page PDF file obtained from USTR under the Freedom of Information Act (copy here), regarding communications between Gilead and USTR, over Malaysia’s decision to grant a compulsory license on patents for HCV treatments. This… Continue Reading