Author: James Love
Company disclosures of R&D costs on SEC filings
Today I attended a work session of the Maryland House of Delegates subcommittee on Health Facilitates and Pharmaceuticals of the Health and Government Operations Committee. I was there to testify in support of HB 666, a bill titled: Public Health – Expensive Drugs – Manufacturer Reporting and Drug Price Transparency Advisory Committee. (PDF version here).
All 12 Zhang/Broad Institute CRISPR patents declare US funding and rights in inventions
February 15, 2017, the USPTO ruled that 12 genome-editing CRISPR-Cas9 patents and one patent application assigned to the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT did not interfere with a patent application from scientists at the University of California. A copy of the ruling is available here.
Following the ruling by the USPTO that the Broad Institute and the University of California both issued statements, as did several firms with an interest in the dispute.
KEI Briefing Note 2017:1. Bayh-Dole Act and difference between March-In Rights and the world wide royalty free rights in patents
Bayh-Dole Act and difference between March-In Rights and the world wide royalty free rights in patents KEI Briefing Note 2017:1 When the United States federal government funds research that results in patents, it obtains rights, either directly or through contracts,… Continue Reading
Spinraza: KEI asks DHHS Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to investigate a failure to disclose federal funding in patents
KEI has asked the DHHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) to investigate a failure to disclose federal funding of patents on nusinersen, a drug developed by Ionis Pharmaceuticals (formerly known as Isis Pharmacetuicals) with BioGen, and sold under the trade name Spinraza.
A copy of the 22 page letter to OIG is available here.
Groups Object to Army Proposal to Give Sanofi a Monopoly on Patents for Taxpayer-Funded Zika Vaccine
12 JANUARY 2017
CONTACT: Zack Struver,, +1 (202) 332-2670
Groups Object to Army Proposal to Give Sanofi a Monopoly on Patents for Taxpayer-Funded Zika Vaccine
2016: KEI comments to NIST on Bayh-Dole Act Regulations
In November, NIST proposed to amend the regulations implementing the Bayh-Dole Act, 35 U.S.C. 200 et seq., which concerns intellectual property arising from federally-funded research, including 37 CFR sections 401 and 404. There were 15 comments, including a letter from KEI on December 9, 2016. EFF also provided comments. The other 13 comments to NIST were from Universities, associations or individuals taking the side of right-holders.
The KEI comments are available here.
SCCR 33, KEI’s intervention on legal protection for technological protection measures
This was our intervention at SCCR 33 on the topics of exceptions to the legal protection for technological protection measures.
TPMs are an legitimate and important measure to protect certain works, data and technologies from unauthorized uses.
The issues raised by libraries and archives concern the legal protection that one gives the technological protection.
SCCR 33: Notes from KEI NGO statement on WIPO broadcast treaty negotiations, November 16, 2016
Today, after two and a half days of negotiations, mostly off the record in informals, NGOs were given a few minutes to make statements on the broadcasters treaty. We were asked to keep things short, and focus on discussions this week. These are the notes from our intervention.
Notes from KEI NGO statement on Broadcast treaty
November 16, 2016Right to prohibit
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India Patent Office denies patent for prostate cancer drug sold under brand name Xtandi, generic name enzalutamide
According to this story, the India Patent Office has denied a patent for the prostate cancer drug sold under the brand name Xtandi (generic name Enzalutamide). Opponents of the patent claimed it was a new form of a known substance, and not eligible in India under Section 3(d) of its patent act.