KEI December 2, 2016 meeting on the delinkage of R&D costs from drug prices

KEI is holding a December 2, 2016 meeting on the delinkage of R&D costs from drug prices.

The venue will be US Senate Hearing Room SD-106, Dirksen Office Building. The meeting will take place from 9:00am to 2:00pm.

A copy of the agenda is available here.

For more information about delinkage, see:

To register for the event, please fill out this form:
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KEI statement at WIPO GA 2016 on the Inter-governmental Committee (IGC) on genetic resources, traditional knowledge

KEI is interested in how regimes proposed in the IGC impact the economics of stewardship, curation and sharing of Traditional Knowledge (TK) and Genetic Resources (GR).

KEI generally opposes the creation of exclusive rights that can block innovations and access to knowledge and materials, in the context of Traditional Knowledge or Generic Resources.

However, benefit sharing does not require the granting of exclusive rights. Liability rule approaches seem to offer a better model.

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WIPO Marrakesh Treaty for the blind to come into force September 30, 2016, following ratification by Canada

On June 30, 2016, the WIPO Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled received its 20th ratification, from Canada, and this will bring the Treaty into force September 30, 2016. The WIPO announcement was here. WIPO Director General Francis Gurry made a statement about the Marrakesh Treaty’s imminent entry into force in the video below:

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US Chamber of Commerce defends Swiss drug company charging excessive prices in Colombia

David Hirschmann, US Chamber, claims efforts to curb high prices for cancer drugs are “a destructive course.”

The US Chamber of Commerce might consider renaming itself the US/Swiss Chamber of Commerce, after their most recent attack on the Colombia Minister of Health (MoH) announcement that a “Declaration of Public Interest” would be issued for the patents on the cancer drug imatinib, held by the Swiss company Novartis. In the US Chamber’s defense of the Swiss drug company, they don’t mention the fact that Novartis has earned about $48 billion from sales of imatinib (sold by Novartis under the brand names Gleevec or Glivec) since the drug was put on the market, including more than $380 million per month in 2015. Continue Reading
