Letter from KEI, Public Citizen, Oxfam America and Health GAP to Senator Hatch, regarding Colombia Compulsory License

Attached is a letter that KEI, Public Citizen, Oxfam America and Health GAP have sent to Senator Hatch, via the Senate Finance Committee, objecting to the pressure his office has put on Colombia over a compulsory license on patents held by Novartis for the cancer drug Gleevec. This refers to the accounts of pressure from Hatch’s office that are described in two letters from the Colombia Embassy in Washington, dated April 27 and April 28, which were recently leaked. Continue Reading

2016: MeiraGTx, NIH license of patents on AAV­Mediated Aquaporin Gene Transfer To Treat Sjögren’s Syndrome

(More on government funded inventions here. Other KEI comments on NIH licenses are found here.) May 16th, 2016 Sally Hu, Ph.D., M.B.A., Senior Licensing and Patenting Manager, Office of Technology Transfer and Innovation Access, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial… Continue Reading

KEI comment on USTR’s 2016 Special 301 report

The 2016 USTR Special 301 report is now available. (copy here). The report is 77 pages of complaints about intellectual property policies around the world, plus a number of other complaints, including those related to pricing and reimbursement of pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices, restrictions on data flows, standard setting, and government procurement.

On the one hand, USTR says it is supports “access to medicine for all.”

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The 2016 Tufts estimates of the risk adjusted out-of-pocket costs to develop a new drug.

Draft, revised April 12, 2016.

2015:4 KEI Briefing Note: The Tufts estimates of the risk adjusted out-of-pocket costs to develop a new drug.
April 12, 2016
James Love

This is a briefing note on the 2016 Tufts study titled: Innovation in the pharmaceutical industry: New estimates of R&D costs, co-authored by three industry consultants, Joseph A. DiMasi, Henry G. Grabowski and Ronald W. Hansen. [J.A. DiMasi et al. Journal of Health Economics 47 (2016)].

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2016: Great Lakes Neuroscience and NIH exclusive license on MS/ALS patent

The following is the KEI comment to the NIH proposed exclusive license to Great Lakes Neuroscience for a patent on Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and certain other CNS Disorders. (PDF version here). KEI asks the NIH for certain information about the proposed license, and also asks the NIH to include provisions in the license that protect consumers in both the United States and developing countries.

For the United States, KEI asks that prices be:
