The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement negotiations (known as TPP or TPPA)

This does not yet have links to the TPP11 negotiations and agreement, after the US left.

The May 11, 2015 consolidated text on the Intellectual Property Chapter of the TPP, with country positions.

Page with our recent stuff on the TPP negotiations

  • Documents in the run up to the Maui round: /tpp/maui


The governments of Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam and the United States are negotiating a multilateral free trade agreement known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). Canada, Mexico and Japan joined negotiations later on in the process than did the other countries. Canada and Mexico’s first entry into the negotiating room occurred in the New Zealand round of negotiations held in December 2012, more than a year after their formal requests to join the negotiations. Japan’s entry occurred on the final day of negotiations of the July 2013 negotiating round held in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.

The negotiations are being conducted with considerable secrecy, even though they address many issues of great interest to the general public. The Agreement will cover many topics, including intellectual property rights, the pricing of pharmaceutical drugs, and the rights of investors to sue states over policies and actions that impact their investments.

The consolidated intellectual property rights text for the TPPA is secret. There have been several partial leaks of the text, including the February 10, 2011 US proposals, and the November 13, 2013 and the May 16, 2014 versions of the consolidated negotiating text for the Intellectual Property Chapter.

KEI Timeline on TPP

Various Leaks of the Proposed Texts

Government Websites, Official Documents and Statements Regarding TPP

Letters on TPP

Civil Society Comments and Websites on TPP

Press Coverage and Other Commentary


Wikileaks-Aug2013-TPP-IP-chapter.pdf 633.97 KB
