Proposed Draft Conclusions regarding the Broadcasting Treaty and L&E for libraries and Archives.

Proposed Draft Conclusions regarding the Broadcasting Treaty and L&E for libraries and Archives.

At 10pm, le SCCR 28 reconvened in plenary to present the conclusions of the committee. Kenya, Brazil and India are diplomatically pushing back on nuances such as differences between “meaningful progress” or “meaningful discussions” regarding the proposed treaty for broadcasters. However, it is difficult to deny that a diplomatic conference is around the corner.

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Copyright exceptions for libraries: Principles or International Framework? Day 4 sccr28

SCCR 28 July 3, 2014 day 4 Plenary. 10am to 1pm
After 3 days of discussions on the broadcasters’ needs and wants, today, the Committee started to discuss “objective & principles” for exceptions and limitations for libraries and archives with a presentation by the delegation of the United States.

The first topic was national exceptions followed by research and human development (next blog). This afternoon the 3rd point will be exceptions and limitations in a digital environment.

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SCCR28 Day 1 Rules for Informal

Before leaving for room B with the head of the regional groups the Chair announced the schedule and the rules:

CHAIR: We are ready to move to an informal format. So we can break immediately to move to room B. And the plenary would reconvene. Since we don’t have an idea of how the work is going to be developed in the room B format, we are not in condition to say that we can re initiate the plenary tomorrow morning. So we will let you know, and you will realize how the work is ongoing through this facilities that we will have here to listen that kind of work.
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SCCR 28 Day 1: Selected Interventions re Technical Experts Invited to Informal Negotiations

Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights: Twenty-Eighth Session
SCCR/28 June 30 to July 4, 2014 (Geneva, Switzerland)

June 30, 2014.

The Chair has decided to move the Committee to room B for informal (i.e. not public) discussions. He announced the names of 3 representatives from broadcasting organizations associations. Some delegations welcomed the technical experts selected and appointed …by the Chair. However, others saved the day (or the process?) by asking a few questions.

In their own words:

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WIPO sccr 28 Day 1: The USA Statement re 3 topics: Broadcasting, L&E for Libraries and Education

Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights: Twenty-Eighth Session
SCCR/28 June 30 to July 4, 2014 (Geneva, Switzerland)

June 30, 2014 Statements of the USA

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: […] the United States was very pleased by the progress that we made at the last session of the SCCR, and we are looking forward to continuing to move forward this week in clarifying and improving the proposals before us.

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WIPO SCCR28 Day 1: Support for a Broadcasting Treaty Diplomatic Conference in 2015?

Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights: Twenty-Eighth Session
SCCR/28 June 30 to July 4, 2014 (Geneva, Switzerland)

June 30, 2014. Morning Session
to read the close captioning of SCCR28
password: sccr28 during the meeting
Watch live: Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights โ€“ #SCCR28

Find a few comments and selected interventions:

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For expensive cancer drugs, rationing of access is not the only solution

I woke up this morning to read an article by Karol Sikora, a Dean at the University of Buckingham Medical School, about high cancer drug prices.* This quote caught my eye.

quote: “So cancer drug rationing is inevitable in all health economies โ€“ rich and poor alike. My solution is to have age limits for expensive therapies. Oncologists have been doing this covertly for the last two decades โ€“ it’s now time to be explicit.”

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