Broadcasting Treaty Negotiations at WIPO SCCR26 Day 2 Morning Session

The morning session was a continuation of yesterday informal regarding scope and beneficiaries of the proposed treaty. The delegates also discussed the 4 topics of the Japanese non paper which dealt specifically with webcasting. The second part of the morning session was about Article 9 which deals with what rights would the Broadcasting organisations acquire and be protected by the proposed treaty.

According to WIPO Secretariat’s summary, the four topics from the nonpaper from Japan and the general views of the delegates were:
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WIPO asked to create new treaty on the resale right (droit de suite) for works of art

A new campaign (see started today with an elegant lunch provided by the European Visual Artisits (EVA) representing the demandeurs of a brand new global right, the resale right (droit de Suite). It was followed by a panel of visual artists and their representative among them a very articulate DG of ADGO (Societe des auteurs dans les arts graphiques et plastiques), Marie-Anne Ferry-Fall.
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KEI Statement at WIPO SCCR 26 December 16, 2013 re the Casting Treaty

The Monday morning session of SCCR 26 went very fast. The agenda was approved in few minutes. Two days will be about the broadcasting treaty, two days will be about libraries and archives and one day on education. 6 side events: artists resale, authors forum launch, authorized entities, IP and video games study, Libraries and archives and Museum and IP, WIPO guide. Continue Reading

Broadcasting & Webcasting is Back on Track at WIPO

The webcast of WIPO General Assemblies taking place this week (September 23 to October 2, 2013) in Geneva, Switzerland is now available on demand. The Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) work program starts at minute 33 of the morning session of Thursday September 26 (first video of the day). It is all about broadcasting & webcasting and whether or not the casting treaty is ready or not ready for prime time, it seems to be moving quite fast to the top of the agenda of the SCCR.

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March 27, 2013 meeting on IP Chapter of the proposed U.S.-European Union Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

TACD meeting on IP Chapter for TTIP

On March 27, from noon to 3 pm, the IP Policy Committee of TACD will hold a meeting on the intellectual property chapter of the proposed U.S.-European Union Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

The meeting will be held at KEI’s offices at 1621 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20009

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Last day of SCCR 24 regarding education and research exceptions

Last day of SCCR 24 regarding education and research exceptions (or topic 3 for the WIPO Secretariat)

There are many issues including: the structure of the proposed working document and its title, will it include comments or only textual proposals? is it a stand alone document? or is it linked to other proposals? and how it will be adressed/mentioned/continued in the forthcoming conclusions of the SCCR. All delegations seem to agree that the proposed document on education and research is not quite ready. More after informals.

In their own words:
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