Save the Date: Thursday, 17 October 2024 – Innovarte/KEI side event: Best and worst practices for limitations and exceptions to patent rights

Title: Best and worst practices for limitations and exceptions to patent rights Date: Thursday, 17 October 2024 Time: 13:30 CEST to 15:00 CEST Location: Room B, WIPO Registration link: Conveners: Innovarte and Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) On the margins… Continue Reading

INB11: Statement of Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) – Complementarity and coherence

On Monday afternoon, 9 September 2024, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) delivered this statement on the complementarity and coherence between the amended International Health Regulations (2005), adopted by the Seventy‑seventh World Health Assembly, and the proposal for the WHO Pandemic Agreement… Continue Reading