WTO TRIPS Council (October 2017): South Africa highlights examples of compulsory licensing in Germany, Malaysia, and the US

On 20 October 2017, South Africa delivered the following statement on behalf of Brazil, China, India, and South Africa during the WTO TRIPS Council’s discussions on compulsory licensing. On 31 May 2017, these delegations (along with Fiji) submitted a proposal to the TRIPS Council on “Intellectual Property and the Public Interest” which would serve as an overarching theme for the Council to address issues including access to knowledge and access to medicines. Continue Reading

WIPO General Assembly 2017: Draft text on mandate of the future of the IGC (6 October 2017)

At 17:00 on Friday, 6 October 2017, the facilitators for WIPO’s informal discussions on Matters Concerning the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore circulated a draft decision on the future mandate of the committee. This text is a revised version of the document circulated at 13:30 on Thursday, 5 October 2017. The WIPO General Assembly is continuing its informals on the future of the IGC mandate between 15:00 to 16:30 on Monday, 9 October 2017 (according to the Daily Journal published by the WIPO Secretariat).

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2nd Marrakesh Treaty Assembly (2017) – Statement of Knowledge Ecology International

On Friday, 6 October 2017, Knowledge Ecology International delivered the following statement at the 2nd session of the Marrakesh Treaty Assembly in Geneva.

Statement of Knowledge Ecology International – Marrakesh Treaty Assembly

Agenda item 27 – Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled (MVT)

6 October 2017

Thank you Chair,

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WIPO General Assembly 2017: Statement of Brazil on the WIPO Development Agenda

On Wednesday, 4 October 2017, Brazil delivered this perspicacious statement on the WIPO Development Agenda.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman,

As everyone knows, the CDIP follows in the footsteps of the Development Agenda. In this regard, Brazil believes the implementation of the 45 recommendations is essential for this organization to be fully representative. Underlying the DA is the principle that a fair remuneration for the creations of human spirit goes together with the imperative of ensuring the right to health, culture, knowledge, information and education.
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WIPO General Assembly 2017: Statement of Chile on the Report on the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP)

On Wednesday, 4 October 2017, Chile delivered the following statement on the Report on The Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) at the WIPO General Assembly.

Gracias Sr. Presidente.

Quisiéramos felicitar el trabajo que el Comité de Patentes está llevando en temas diversos y balanceados, que han permitido su funcionamiento a lo largo de estos últimos años, privilegiando el diálogo técnico y experto sobre los diferentes puntos de la agenda.

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WIPO General Assembly 2017: KEI statement on the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP)

On Wednesday, 4 October 2017, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) delivered the following statement at the WIPO General Assembly during discussions on the Report of the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP).

WIPO General Assembly 2017 – Statement of KEI on the Report on the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP)

4 October 2017

Agenda item: 14. Report on the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP)

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WIPO General Assembly 2017: Statement of South Africa on the Report on the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP)

On Wednesday, 4 October 2017, South Africa delivered the following statement on the Report on The Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) at the WIPO General Assembly.

2 – 11 OCTOBER 2016




We align ourselves with the statement of Senegal on behalf of the Africa Group.

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SEARO RC70: India calls on WHO to take the lead in negotiations of the R&D treaty (General Programme of Work debate)

As noted in an earlier piece, on 25 August 2017 the WHO published a draft concept note to provide a road map to “underpin WHO’s General Programme of of Work from 2019-2023… and serve as the strategic basis for resource mobilization” for the Organization (WHO draft concept note on strategic priorities for 2019-2023 charts a new vision for the organization, 29 August 2017, KEI). Continue Reading

SEARO RC70: Statement of Knowledge Ecology International on Access to Medicines

Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) delivered the following statement during discussions at the WHO South East Asia Region (SEARO) Regional Committee on Access to Medicines on 9 September 2017 in the Maldives.

(Photo taken by Cristina Bajar)

Intervention of Knowledge Ecology International

Seventieth Session of the Regional Committee – SEARO: 8.3 Access to medicines – SEA/RC70/9
Saturday, 9 September 2017

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