SCCR33: Conclusions – Protection of Broadcasting Organizations

On Friday, 18 November 2016, WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) reconvened in plenary at 8:45 PM to review the Summary of the Chair. The time stamp of the draft document is 8:00 PM.

The following conclusions relate to the Committee’s work on a proposed treaty on the Protection of Broadcasting Organizations.

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SCCR33: Conclusions – Artist Resale Right (droit de suite)

On Friday, 18 November 2016, WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights reconvened in plenary at 8:45 PM to review the Summary of the Chair. The time stamp of the draft document is 8:00 PM.

The following paragraph relates to the SCCR’s deliberations on the proposal submitted by Senegal and Congo on the Resale Right (droit de suite). The Committee agreed to the convening of a conference prior to SCCR34 (1-5 May 2017) on the legal and economic perspectives of droit de suite, including its potential effects on art markets.

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SCCR33 – Statement by the Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) – Limitations on liability for libraries and archives

On Thursday afternoon, 17 November 2016, WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) addressed the topic of limitations on liability for libraries and archives. Chile, on behalf of the Latin Americas and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) provided a poignant example of how limitations on liability for libraries and archives enabled the provision of an accurate account and attribution of the role played by the Brazilian diplomat, Bertha Lutz, and other Latin American delegates in ensuring gender equity in the UN Charter of 1945.

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9 November 2016 – WTO TRIPS Council – Holy See’s statement on the Report of the UN High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines

On Wednesday, 9 November 2016, H.E. Archbishop Ivan Jurkovic, (Holy See) delivered the following statement at the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) TRIPS Council’s discussions of the United Nations Secretary-General’s High Level Panel Report on Access to Medicines

Statement by H.E. Archbishop Ivan Jurkovic , Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva at the World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) Council, Geneva, 9 November 2016

Mr. President,

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8 November 2016 – TRIPS Council – India’s intervention on the Paragraph 6 Mechanism

On 8 November 2016, India delivered the following statement on Review under Paragraph 8 of the Decision on the Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health.

India’s Interventions at the TRIPS Council meeting (08-09 November 2016)

Agenda Item 7: Review under Paragraph 8 of the Decision on the Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health

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SCCR33: Opening statement of the Asia Pacific Group (delivered by India)

Opening Statement by India on behalf of the Asia and the Pacific Group at 33rd Session of the of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights, delivered by Dr. Sumit Seth (Economic Affairs) on 14 November 2016

Mr. Chair,

India has the honor to deliver the Opening Statement on behalf of the Asia and the Pacific Group in this 33rd Session of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights.

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9 November 2016 – WTO TRIPS Council – EU’s intervention on the Report of the UN High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines

On Wednesday, 9 November 2016, the European Union delivered the following statement at the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) TRIPS Council’s discussions of the United Nations Secretary-General’s High Level Panel Report on Access to Medicines.


The European Commission takes note of the contribution provided by the Report of the United Nations Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines.

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9 November 2016 – WTO TRIPS Council – EU’s intervention on Intellectual Property and Innovation – Regional Innovation Models

Australia, the European Union, Japan, Switzerland, Chinese Taipei and the United States requested the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to place an item on the agenda of the November 2016 TRIPS Council agenda entitled – “Intellectual Property and Innovation: Regional Innovation Models. On 9 November 2016, the European Union delivered the following intervention on regional innovations models. Intellectual Property and Innovation have been on the agenda of the TRIPS Council since 2012.


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9 November 2016 – WTO TRIPS Council – UNCTAD’s statement on the Report of the UN High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines

On Wednesday, 9 November 2016, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) delivered the following statement at the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) TRIPS Council’s discussions of the United Nations Secretary-General’s High Level Panel Report on Access to Medicines. UNCTAD informed WTO members that the agency had recently recommended to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to consider endorsement of the Report of the High Level Panel.

The Report of the United Nations High Level Panel on Access to Medicine
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