WHA67: Statement of South Africa on behalf of the African Region on Access to Essential Medicines

On Friday, 23 May 2014, the World Health Assembly is currently discussing access to essential medicines in the context of resolution EB134.R16, tabled China in January 2014. The following statement was delivered by South Africa on behalf of the 47 members of the African region. South Africa highlighted the point that “vaccines and anti-cancer drugs remain out of reach of millions of people in both developed and developing countries.”

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WIPO fails to reach agreement to convene a Diplomatic Conference for adoption of the Design Law Treaty

On Thursday, 8 May 2014, the General Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) appointed Francis Gurry as Director General for a second term. This second term would run from 1 October 2014 to 30 September 2020.

The General Assembly also addressed the following topic: “Consideration of the Convening of a Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a Design Law Treaty.” At the close of business on Friday, 9 May 2014, the General Assembly could not reach consensus on convening a Diplomatic Conference on concluding the Design Law Treaty.

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SCCR27: Chair’s Conclusions

At 12:56 AM on 3 May 2014, WIPO’s Copyright Committee, (SCCR27) could not reach agreement on the future work on “Limitations and exceptions: libraries and archives.” The main point of contention was “text-based work” which the European Union sought to excise from the text. Consequently, the Committee was at an impasse in developing an appropriate international legal instrument (in whatever form) on copyright exceptions and limitations for libraries and archives (whether model law, joint recommendation, treaty and/or other forms). Continue Reading

SCCR27: Asia Pacific Group outlines its position on the broadcast treaty and copyright L&Es

The Republic of Korea delivered the following statement outlining the position of the Asia Pacific Group (a large and diverse group of Member States including but not limited to Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Iran, the Republic of Korea and Singapore).

Asia Pacific Group Statement for SCCR 27- final

Thank you Mr. Chairman

Good morning dear colleagues.

Mr. Chairman,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of Asia Pacific group.

Mr. Chairman,

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SCCR27: US position on the Scope of Application (Article 6) of the proposed Broadcasting Treaty

The WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR27) is currently discussing Article 6 (Scope of Application) of the working text of the proposed Treaty on the Protection of Broadcasting Organizations (SCCR/27/2).

The United States of America delivered this nuanced intervention on the Scope of Application.

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SCCR27: UK proposal on the Proposed WIPO treaty on the protection of broadcasting organizations (the BBC experience)

On 8 April 2014, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland submitted a paper to the 27th session of WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) on the Proposed WIPO treaty on the protection of broadcasting organizations (SCCR/27/3). In its proposal, the UK endeavors to “shed light on a number of different technologies already being used by broadcasters from around the world” including the deployment of the BBC iPlayer and the BBC Red Button services.

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17 March 2014: The African Group highlights the hidden costs of implementing the Design Law Formalities Treaty

On 17 March 2014, the African Group delivered the following opening statement at the Thirty-First Session of the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT) highlighting the need for an inclusion of an article on technical assistance (with legally binding effect) in the proposed design law treaty. The African Group noted,

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17 March 2014: European Union urges WIPO SCT to finalize work on a Design Law Formalities Treaty

On 17 March 2014, the European Union and its Member States issued the following clarion call to the Thirty-First Session of the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT) urging the committee to “make a clear and unambiguous recommendation to convene a diplomatic conference to the upcoming Extraordinary General Assembly” for a Design Law Formalities Treaty.

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