Geographical indications, country names and the domain name system: Czech Rep, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Moldova and Switzerland

On 18 March 2014, the delegations of the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Republic of Moldova and Switzerland submitted the following proposal (SCT/31/8 Rev.) on the Protection of Geographical Indications and Country Names in the Domain Name System for consideration by the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT).

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Resurrecting the Ghost of Høsbjør Past: Global Fund seeks to establish global framework on tiered pricing enforced by WTO rules

Informed sources have revealed that Mark Dybul, Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, is the brains behind an initiative to create global framework for the tiered pricing or in the Global Fund’s own words, “Equitable Access to Essential Medicines and Vaccines: Developing a Framework for Success”, enforced by the rules of the World Trade Organization. KEI has obtained this internal concept note prepared by the Global Fund which we understand is a work in progress.

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What’s in a name? Geographical indications stir the pot at WIPO trademark committee

Protection for geographical indications is an issue that divides the generally united front that Australia, Canada, the European Union, Japan, Switzerland, New Zealand and the United States maintain at WIPO and WTO negotiations on setting rules for the enforcement of patents, copyright, trademarks and industrial designs. In a 12 March 2014 piece, Europe wants its Parmesan back, seeks name change, the Associated Press reported that,

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Boeing submission to US ITC (No. 332-543): India has a legal framework that is adequate to protect IP

On 7 February 2014, the Boeing Company submitted a written statement to the United States International Trade Commission (USITC) investigation of India (No. 332-543) concluding that,

In Boeing’s experience, India has a legal framework that is adequate to protect IP with no known cases of IP violation involving Boeing’s activities in the defense and aerospace sector.

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WTO TRIPS Council (February 2014) – EU intervention on the contribution of IP to facilitate the transfer of clean technologies

On Tuesday, 25 February 2014, the European Union delivered the following intervention at the WTO TRIPS Council on agenda item 11 (Contribution of Intellectual Property to Facilitate the Transfer of Environmentally Rational Technology) with a focus on the European Business and Technology Centre, India.

Intervention by the EU at the TRIPS Council of 25 February 2014
Agenda point 11 – Contribution of IP to facilitate the transfer of environmentally rational technology
European Business and Technology Centre, India

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WTO TRIPS Council (February 2014) – EU’s intervention on IP and Innovation: University Technology Partnerships

The European Union delivered the following intervention at the February 2014 WTO TRIPS Council on agenda item 12 (IP and Innovation: University Technology Partnerships). The United States of America tabled this standalone agenda item on University Technology Partnerships in the context of IP and Innovation.

TRIPS Council 25/26 February 2014
EU intervention on Agenda point 12
IP and Innovation – University technology partnerships

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WTO TRIPS Council (February 2014) – Bangladesh’s intervention on IP and Innovation: University Technology Partnerships

Bangladesh delivered the following intervention at the February 2014 WTO TRIPS Council on agenda item 12 (IP and Innovation: University Technology Partnerships). The United States of America tabled this standalone agenda item on University Technology Partnerships in the context of IP and Innovation.

IP and Innovation: University Technology Partnership

Thank you Mr. Chairman.

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WTO TRIPS Council (February 2014) – Ecuador’s interventions on the contribution of IP to facilitate the transfer of green tech

On Tuesday, 25 February 2014, Ecuador delivered the following two interventions at the WTO TRIPS Council on agenda item 11 (Contribution of Intellectual Property to Facilitate the Transfer of Environmentally Rational Technology). The antecedent to this discussion item is a paper that Ecuador circulated to the TRIPS Council in February 2013 (IP/C/W/585) on the relationship between intellectual property and the transfer of environmentally sound technology. It’s core ask was a Bali Ministerial Declaration on IP and environmentally sound technologies:

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