SCP20: Opening statement of the European Union at WIPO’s Standing Committee on the Law of Patents, 27 January 2014

On 27 January 2014, Greece, on behalf of the European Union, delivered this opening statement at the 20th session of WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP). The EU’s priorities for WIPO’s patent committee include quality of patents (including opposition systems), work sharing and confidentiality of communication between client and their patent advisors.

With respect to limitations and exceptions to patent rights, the EU said,

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Intervention of the South Centre at EB134 expressing solidarity with the Republic of South Africa (English translation)

This is the English translation of the intervention delivered by the South Centre on Thursday, 23 January 2014 at the 134th session of the World Health Organization’s Executive Board expressing solidarity with the Government of the Republic of South Africa following the Pharmagate exposé.

Thank you, Madam President, for giving us the floor.

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Industry use of WHO Model List of Essential Medicines as defense against patent abuses

The following are some quotes by countries, companies, academics and other actors stating, suggesting or implying claiming that drugs not on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (WHO EML) should not be subject to a compulsory license.

Bayer. Political Principles.
Political Principles.
Innovation requires investment.
Good ideas must be worthwhile.

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EB134: Statement of South Africa on Access to Essential Medicines (in the wake of Pharmagate)

On Thursday, 23 January 2014, Malebona Precious Matsoso (Director General of the South African National Department of Health) delivered the the following intervention at the 134th session of the World Health Organization’s Executive Board under agenda item 9.7 on Access to essential medicines in response to the recent Pharmagate imbroglio.

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Intervention of the South Centre at EB134 expressing solidarity with the Republic of South Africa

On Thursday, 23 January 2014, the South Centre delivered the following statement at the 134th session of the World Health Organization’s Executive Board under agenda item 9.7, access to essential medicines, expressing solidarity with the Government of the Republic of South Africa following the Pharmagate exposé.


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WIPO hosts Conference on Open Innovation: Collaborative Projects and the Future of Knowledge (22-23 January 2014)

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) will host a “Conference on Open Innovation: Collaborative Projects and the Future of Knowledge” on 22-23 January 2014 at its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

The origins of this conference on open collaborative development models is predicated upon Recommendation 36 of the WIPO Development Agenda which states:

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LESI to convene Global Technology Impact Forum (20-21 January 2014) at WIPO followed by dinner at the Mandarin Oriental

The Licensing Executives Society International, Inc. (LESI) is convening its annual Global Technology Impact Forum (GTIF) at the headquarters of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) from 20 to 21 January 2014 in Geneva, Switzerland. Although this international forum is hosted in Room A at WIPO headquarters, this event (at the time of publication of this blog) does not appear on the calendar of WIPO events for January 2014. Continue Reading
