Proposed Extraordinary WIPO General Assembly Decision Text: 9:20 PM-17 December 2012

After a tense day of negotiation with all sorts of threats to block progress, it seems as though World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is poised to approve a diplomatic conference “to negotiate and adopt a treaty on limitations and exceptions for visually impaired persons/persons with print disabilities.” The USA had come into the meeting trying to downgrade the agreement from a treaty to an agreement of ambiguous non-treaty status, and both the US and the EU wanted today’s decision to be subject to a later approval — dubbed either the kill switch or the safety Continue Reading


WIPO Extraordinary General Assembly: Statement of Venezuela (references European Union’s Nobel Peace Prize)

Venezuela delivered the following statement on 17 December 2012 at the WIPO Extraordinary General Assembly.

VENEZUELA: Thank you, Chairman.

Likewise, we, too, wish to extend thanks to the Director General and the Secretariat and the ambassador of Zambia for his successful leading work in the SCCR. We support the holding of a Diplomatic Conference on this subject. It will be a very significant political signal if we were to convene this conference which has very major human rights over tones.

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WIPO Extraordinary General Assembly: Statement of Egypt on behalf of the Africa Group in favor of Treaty for the Blind

This was the statement delivered today (17 December 2012) by Egypt on behalf of the African Group at the Forty-Second (22nd Extraordinary) Session of the WIPO General Assembly.

African Group. The African Group would like to welcome the significant progress achieved on advancing the draft text of WIPO Treaty on limitations and exceptions for visually impaired persons, person with print disabilities, which was adopted in November 2012 by the Standing Committee to Copyright and Related Rights, in its 25th session.

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WIPO Extraordinary General Assembly: Statement of Benin on behalf of Least-Developed Countries in favor of Treaty for the Blind

This was the statement delivered by Benin on behalf of least-developed countries at the Forty-Second (22nd Extraordinary) Session of the WIPO General Assembly on 17 December 2012.

BENIN: Thank, Chairman. I do thank you for giving me the floor. I would like to begin here by apologizing on behalf of my ambassador. He would have loved to be with us this morning, but unfortunately he had other commitments and he was unable to attend this meeting.

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Wellcome Trust tells WHO it opposes R&D Treaty and the de-linkage of R&D costs from drug prices

At WHO deliberations (26 November 2012 to 28 November 2012) on charting a path forward following the recommendations of the Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination (CEWG), Bolivia, Colombia and Thailand reiterated their political commitment supporting a binding R&D treaty. Continue Reading

US intervention at WIPO Committee on Development and Intellectual Property: Patent related flexibilities

This was the first intervention delivered by the United States of America during last week’s discussion at the 10th session of World Intellectual Property Organization’s Committee on Development and Intellectual Property on the item of patent related flexibilities.

US intervention #1 on CDIP/10/11

• The United States would like to express its appreciation to the Secretariat for its preparation of the document CDIP/10/11. We have several comments on the patent-related flexibilities proposed to be studied at CDIP.

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WIPO releases negotiating November 20th text: Treaty for the Blind

On Wednesday, 21 November 2012, the plenary of the 25th Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) resumed at 10:30 AM. After the plenary, the an ambassador-level meeting of the African Group will be held. The informals are expected to take place between 2PM to 9PM.

The November 20th text is reproduced below:

Text agreed on November 20, 2012.



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European Union announces its mandate to negotiate a binding Treaty for the Blind

On 19 November 2012, the European Union announced to WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) that it now had the mandate to “negotiate the conclusion conclusion of an instrument including a binding treaty” for the blind.


Statement by the European Union and its Member States 25th Session of WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights

Mr Chairman,

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