Kenyan resolution to the 65th World Health Assembly: WHO Convention on Research and Development Financing and Coordination

During the week of 14 May 2012, the Republic of Kenya submitted a resolution to the 65th session of the World Health Assembly entitled, “WHO Convention on Research and Development Financing and Coordination”. The resolution will be published by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a conference paper for discussion in Committee A under agenda item 13.14 Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination. It is expected that this agenda item on the CEWG will be brought forward for early discussion at the Assembly.

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WTO disputes- Intellectual property dimensions of the Boeing case (WT/DS353)

“Roma locuta causa finita est” (Rome has spoken, therefore the case has been decided) was the maxim employed by medieval jurists to describe the absolute irrevocability of papal judgements in canon law. Today, in modern international trade law, the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Appellate Body fulfills a similar function as the international trading system’s “Supreme Court”. In the words of the WTO,

[t]he Appellate Body was established in 1995 under Article 17 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU). Continue Reading

5 April 2012: World Health Organization’s Consultative Expert Working Group on R&D Financing releases its Report

On Thursday, 5 April 2012, the World Health Organization released the report of the Report of the Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination entitled “Research and Development to Meet Health Needs in Developing Countries: Strengthening Global Financing and Coordination”. The 218 page report will take some time to fully assess.

The report can be found here:

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WTO Dispute Settlement: Ukraine files dispute against Australia (13 March 2012) on Tobacco Plain Packaging Bill 2011

The following information is taken directly from the World Trade Organization’s dispute settlement web page which reports that on 13 March 2012, Ukraine requested consultations with Australia under the WTO’s dispute settlement system with respect to Australia’s Tobacco Plain Packaging Bill 2011 which the WTO website noted imposes “trademark restrictions and other plain packaging requirements on tobacco products“.

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ACTA: US Intervention on IP Enforcement Trends at WTO Council for TRIPS (28 February 2012)

These are the interventions delivered by the United States of America on 28 February 2012 during WTO Council for TRIPS discussions on ACTA under “IP Enforcement Trends”.


[U.S. First Intervention]

• We appreciate this opportunity to discuss enforcement of IP rights, and hopefully to dispel some misperceptions about IP enforcement in general and the ACTA in particular.

• Effective enforcement of intellectual property rights is critical to sustaining economic growth across all industries and globally.

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