SCCR22: Intervention of Unión Latinoamericana de Ciegos (Latin American Union of the Blind)

On 16 June 2011, Pablo Lecuona delivered the following intervention on behalf of Intervention of Unión Latinoamericana de Ciegos at SCCR 22.

Gracias señor presidente.

Lo felicito ante todo por su elección al frente de este comité. hablo en Nombre de la Unión latinoamericana de Ciegos que reúne a las organizaciones de ciegos de los 19 países de América latina.

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Opening statement of Uruguay at WIPO’s 22nd Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights

Comité Permanente de Derechos de Autor y Conexos – SCCR 22 – OMPI – Ginebra
Intervención de la Delegación de Uruguay. Ginebra, 15 de junio de 2011.

Gracias Señor Presidente,

Señor Presidente, reciba de nuestra delegación nuestras mas sinceras felicitaciones por su designación como Presidente del Comité Permanente de Derechos de Autor y Conexos SCCR y cuente con nuestro apoyo para hacer una exitosa gestión al frente de este importante comité.

Señor Presidente:

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Draft WHO Executive Board resolution on WHO reform

At 18:30 Geneva time on 25 May 2011, during the 129th session of the WHO Executive Board, the EB is considering the following draft decision on WHO reform.

Chair’s text, based on draft proposed by Ecuador

The 29th [sic] Executive Board,

(OP.1) DECIDES to establish an incremental, transparent, Member-State driven and inclusive consultative process comprising of the following elements:

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SCP 16: Summary by the Chair

World Intellectual Property Organization

SCP/16/8 PROV.
DATE: MAY 20, 2011

Standing Committee on the Law of Patents

Sixteenth Session
Geneva, May 16 to 20, 2011


Agenda Item 1: Opening of the session

1. The sixteenth of the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) was opened by Mr. James Pooley, Deputy Director General, who welcomed the participants. Mr. Philippe Baechtold (WIPO) acted as Secretary.

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BRICS Health Ministers’ preparatory meeting – May 17th 2011

BRICS Health Ministers’ preparatory meeting – May 17th 2011
Press release

Consistent with the mandate of the Sanya Declaration of the BRICS Leaders Meeting (14 April 2011), the Ministers of Health of the five BRICS’ countries met on the sidelines of the 64thWorld Health Assembly, on 17 May 2011, to discuss issues of common interest as well as prepare the BRICS Health Ministerial Meeting to be held in Beijing, China, on 11 July 2011. Representatives of WHO and UNAIDS also attended the meeting.

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SCP16: KEI intervention on Patents and Health

16th session of the WIPO Standing Committee of the Law of Patents (SCP)
Thursady, 19 May 2011

KEI Statement on Patents and Health

KEI is impressed by and fully supportive of the joint proposal of the African Group and the Development Agenda Group on a work program on Patents and Health, which has been published as SCP/16/7. We agree with the comments of the Chair that the proposal is both comprehensive and well thought out.

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