Knowledge Ecology International statement on Opposition Systems WIPO SCP 14

The following intervention was delivered by KEI at the 14th session of the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) on the item related to opposition systems.

January 27, 2010

Knowledge Ecology International statement on 7(f): Opposition Systems

Thank you Mr Chair, for providing Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) with the opportunity to provide some thoughts on the Committee’s work on opposition systems.

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European Committee for Interoperable Systems (ECIS) intervention on standards and patents at WIPO SCP 14

Thank you Mr Chairman.

I’m taking the floor today on behalf of ECIS, the European Committee for Interoperable Systems.

ECIS would like to congratulate you on your election to the chair of this very important committee. We thank you for your generosity in giving us an opportunity to speak today. I will be very brief.

ECIS is an international non-profit association of IT companies, including IBM, Nokia, Sun Microsystems, Red Hat, Opera, Oracle and others.

It focuses on IP issues concerning interoperability and competition.

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Brazil’s proposal at WIPO on patent limitations and exceptions (SCP/14/7)

On January 15, 2010 the Permanent Mission of Brazil to the World Trade Organization and other economic organizations in Geneva submitted a proposal to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The Brazilian note verbale to WIPO notes that the proposal:

“aims at contributing to the discussion of exceptions and limitations to patent rights. . . While not purporting to cover all interfaces of the matter with development concerns, it emphasizes the importance of promoting a wide and sustained debate on the issue in the SCP”.

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Statement of Thailand to EB 126 (Jan 2010) on public health, innovation and intellectual property

The following statement was delivered by Thailand on Tuesday, 19 January 2010 during the discussion of agenda item 4.3 on public health, innovation and intellectual property. This statement requested Dr. Chan (Director-General, WHO) to conduct an investigation of the leaks of documents of the WHO Expert Working Group on R&D Financing to the IFPMA. In its statement, Thailand noted that the circle of trust had been broken.

Mr. Chairman,

I thank Madame DG to her explanation about the process and documentations including her constructive advices

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Bolivian statement to EB 126 (Jan 2010) on public health, innovation and intellectual property

This is the statement that the Government of Bolivia delivered on January 19, 2010 at the 126th session of the WHO Executive Board public health, innovation and intellectual property including their views on the EWG process and the Executive Summary of the WHO Expert Working Group on R&D Financing.

The heart of Bolivia’s intervention is encapsulated in the penultimate paragraph of their intervention.

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Final Report of the WHO Expert Working on R&D Financing published on Friday, January 15, 2010

At the proverbial 11th hour today, the World Health Organization published the final report of the “World Health Organization Expert Working Group on Research and Development Financing” in English three days before the commencement of the 126th session of the WHO Executive Board on January 18, 2010. At this juncture, it does not appear that the WHO Secretariat has made available official versions of this Report in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish for Member States’ consideration.

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New WHO documents published in relation to 3rd EWG meeting

New documents have been published on the WHO website in relation to the third meeting of the WHO Expert Working Group on R&D Financing that took place from November 30 to December 2, 2009. These six documents are available at:

The first document is: Comparative Review of Innovative Financing Proposals for Health R&D

The second document is: Coordinating Arrangements for R&D [doc 352kb]

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