Syngenta AG on patent pools and prizes

On July 14, 2009, at the WIPO Conference on Intellectual Property and Public Policy Issues, Michael Kock (Global Head IP Seeds and Biotechnology at Syngenta International AG) underscored that today’s global challenges can only dealt with in an efficient manner by creating innovation networks which included the reward of substantial amounts of money to solve technical challenges and problems.

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Margaret Chan on “new initiatives, and new incentive schemes”

At the WIPO Conference on Intellectual Property and Public Policy Issues today, Margaret Chan, the Director General of the World Health Organization, made the following speech at WIPO’s Conference on Intellectual Property and Public Policy Issues on the topic of “Strengthening Multilateral Cooperation on IP and Public Health” where she shared the limelight with Pascal Lamy, Director General of the World Trade Organ Continue Reading


Indian Minister of State for External Affairs broaches seizures of generics at ECOSOC

Note: Only a portion of the speech is reproduced here.

High-Level Segment of the Economic and Social Council

Special Event on Africa and the Least Developed Countries:

Partnerships and Health

(1130 – 1330 hrs, 8 July 2009, Geneva

Intervention by Hono’ble Minister of State for External Affairs, Smt. Preneet Kaur

Hon’ble Co-Chairs/Madam Moderator, Distinguished Delegates,

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Views on the outcome of WIPO SCCR 18: Brazil, Ecuador and Paraguay Treaty for Reading Disabilities

On Friday, May 29, the 18th Session of the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) agreed to consider a proposal submitted by the governments of Brazil, Ecuador and Paraguay Relating to Limitations and Exceptions on a Treaty for Reading Disabled Persons at its next meeting in November 2009 (19th Session). KEI has collated views on the outcome of the 18th SCCR from the following countries and NGOs.

Views on the outcome of WIPO SCCR 18: Brazil, Ecuador and Paraguay Treaty for Reading Disabled Persons

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Divide and rule at the WHO?

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Delegates at the World Health Assembly will have to grapple with how best to deploy their delegations to simultaneously cover pandemic influenza and resolving the outstanding elements of the WHO IGWG Plan of Action.

Today’s WHO Journal lists the following morning schedule for Committee A.

Item 11 (continued) Medium-strategic plan, including Proposed Programme budget 2010-2011

To consider appropriation resolution for financial period 2010-2011

Item 12 (continued) Technical and health matters

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