Bayer Healthcare (BAY): Select Joint Ventures, Partnerships, and Alliances

Thursday, 06 September 2007

Bayer HealthCare AG: Select Joint Ventures, Partnerships, and Alliances with Big Pharma

Bayer HealthCare and Schering-Plough – In September 2004 Bayer HeathCare entered into a strategic alliance with Schering-Plough, under the terms of which Bayer's primary care pharmaceutical products are to be marketed and distributed by Schering-Plough in the United States.  According to, "Schering-Plough will undertake Bayer's marketing and sales activities in the United States and Puerto Rico for all of its primary care products, including AVELOX and CIPRO in the antibiotics category, the cardiovascular product ADALAT (nifedipine) and some other smaller, established primary care Bayer products.  Schering-Plough will pay Bayer a substantial royalty based on net sales of these products.  Schering-Plough will also understake Bayer's U.S. commercialization activities for the erectile dysfunction medicine LEVITRA under Bayer's existing global co-promotion agreement and will jointly manage the business in the United States with GlaxoSmithKline PLC.  Schering-Plough and Bayer will share Bayer's portion of the profits on the U.S. sales of LEVITRA.  A substantial number of high-performing Bayer sales representatives and marketing personnel are expected to be integrated into Schering-Plough's pharmaceutical organization in the United States and Puerto Rico.

In Japan, Schering-Plough's and Bayer's local organizations will co-promote Schering-Plough's cholesterol treatment ZETIA, but will otherwise remain independent.

In addition, the agreement gives Bayer rights to promote certain Schering-Plough cancer products in the United States and key European markets for a defined period of time in order to supplement efforts by Schering-Plough's oncology salespeople.

Bayer HealthCare and Millennium – In October 1998, Bayer and Millenium formed a research and development alliance which they claimed was the largest in the world.  According to the Chain Drug Review, "Bayer AG and Millennium Pharmaceuticals Inc. have formed what they say is the world's largest drug discovery alliance. Bayer, based in Germany, is paying $96.6 million to acquire a 14% equity stake in Millennium."  Bayer is also providing its new partner with $33.4 million in licensing fees and up to $335 million in research and development financing over five years, with Bayer's total investment expected to reach $465 million.

Select Joint Ventures, Partnerships, and Alliances with Small Pharma

Bayer HealthCare and Intendis –  YAZ® – In May 2007, Bayer HealthCare and Intendis, a subsidiary of Bayer Schering Pharma AG, announced a strategic alliance to co-promote an anti-acne treatment called Yaz.
Bayer and CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, is Australia's national science agency) alliance enjoys commercial success Bayer CropScience and CSIRO have a successful strategic alliance developing breakthrough gene technologies into commercial applications. The alliance with Bayer is based on co-investment and both parties provide substantial input of research funding and staff.

Bayer HealthCare and CuraGen
– in February 2001 entered into an alliance to develop small molecule drugs for Obesity and Adult Onset Diabetes. This $1.4 billion dollar deal will target 12 drugs to treat obesity and diabetes, a market which a CuraGen press release estimated at $98 billion.