Cables mentioning “Special 301” – Details of US trade pressure on IPR

Below are links to two web page pages that have links to 973 U.S. Department of State cables identified on September 5, 2011, using the tool for searching 251,287 Wikileaks cables, and the search term, “special 301.”

The two web pages with the cables are here:

The search term refers to the annual USTR’s Special 301 Report, which has been issued every year beginning in 1989. The report is described by USTR as follows:

The “Special 301” Report is an annual review of the global state of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and enforcement, conducted by the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) pursuant to Section 182 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended by the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 and the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (enacted in 1994). This Report reflects the Administration’s resolve to encourage and maintain effective IPR protection and enforcement worldwide.

KEI’s web page on the Special 301 Report is /ustr/special301. The 973 cables works out to approximately 10 cables per week for the eight years between Feb 28, 2002 to Feb 26, 2010. Judging from the number of cables for some countries, or the absence of cables from others, this appears to be an incomplete set of the relevant cables.

The cables are organized by the country from which the cable was sent, and then sorted by date. The following table shows the number of cables by country:

Country Count County Count Country Count
Turkey 74 Dominican Republic 10 Armenia 4
Kuwait 41 Singapore 9 Yemen 3
Thailand 34 Norway 9 Uruguay 3
Spain 33 Nigeria 9 South Africa 3
Canada 30 Mexico 9 Serbia 3
Taiwan 29 Bolivia 9 Romania 3
Brazil 29 Lithuania 8 Japan 3
Philippines 25 Lebanon 8 India 3
Vietnam 24 United States 7 Burma 3
Bulgaria 23 Tunisia 7 Sweden 2
Saudi Arabia 22 Nicaragua 7 Russia 2
Italy 21 El Salvador 7 Portugal 2
Indonesia 21 Tajikistan 6 Oman 2
Czech Republic 19 New Zealand 6 Moldova 2
Ukraine 18 Hungary 6 Laos 2
Greece 18 Guatemala 6 Finland 2
Croatia 18 France 6 Europe 2
Kazakhstan 17 Estonia 6 Cambodia 2
China 17 Ecuador 6 Belize 2
Argentina 16 Cyprus 6 Bahrain 2
Jamaica 15 Azerbaijan 6 Trinidad and Tobago 1
Egypt 15 Slovenia 5 Switzerland 1
Peru 14 Pakistan 5 Sri Lanka 1
Turkmenistan 13 Malaysia 5 Senegal 1
Chile 13 Honduras 5 Paraguay 1
Venezuela 12 Colombia 5 Morocco 1
Uzbekistan 12 Belarus 5 Kyrgyzstan 1
Slovakia 12 Algeria 5 Kenya 1
Costa Rica 12 South Korea 4 Ireland 1
Brunei 11 Panama 4 Ghana 1
United Arab Emirates 10 Latvia 4 Germany 1
Poland 10 Bangladesh 4 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
Jordan 10 Bahamas 4 Barbados 1
Israel 10 Austria 4