Using the USPTO web page for searching the full text of patents, queries were run to find out how many patents have US government rights, or are owned by the United States of America. The searches reported here are limited to patents that have a U.S. inventor, and except for the first one, are limited to patents with the Specification field including the list of a life threatening medical disease or condition. The following is an example set of queries:
ISD/20100101->20121231 AND ICN/US AND SPEC/tuberculosis ANDNOT (GOVT/government OR AN/”United States of America”)
ISD/20100101->20121231 AND ICN/US AND SPEC/tuberculosis AND (GOVT/government OR AN/”United States of America”)
The following are the results, beginning with one graph for all patents with US inventors, and several where the query is limited to cases where a medical disease or condition is mentioned in the patent specification field.