Misc notes on Compulsory Licensing of Patents

Worth reading first

March 8, 2007, Recent examples of the use of compulsory licensing of patents, revised March 31, 2007.


June 9, 2007. When customs authorities may allow infringing goods to be imported into the United States.

May 1, 2007, Abbott recently sought compulsory license in US patent dispute.


2005. James Love. Remuneration Guidelines for Non-Voluntary Use of a Patent on Medical Technologies. World Health Organization. Health Economics and Drugs, TCM Series No. 18.


May 4, 2007, KEI Statement on Brazil Compulsory License on efavirenz.


KEI Page on the Compulsory Licensing Controversy in Thailand

April 30, 2007. KEI Statement on USTR 301 list reference to Thailand.

March 16, 2007. Notes from March 16th 2007 U.S. Capitol Briefing on Thailand’s Compulsory Licenses.

March 8, 2007 Geneva Q&A Session on Thai White Paper

Some articles published elsewhere

James Love, “Measures to Enhance Access to Medical Technologies, and New Methods of Stimulating Medical R & D,” [pdf], UC Davis Law Review, Volume 40, Issue No. 3 Symposium: Intellectual Property and Social Justice, 679.