Chilean Cámara de Diputados Overwhelmingly Asks the Ministry of Health to Proceed with Compulsory Licenses for HCV drugs

On June 8, 2018 the Cámara de Diputados of the Chilean Congress overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling on the Ministry of Health to proceed with compulsory licenses on patents covering hepatitis C virus (HCV) drugs. Resolution No. 68, passed with… Continue Reading


May 28 to June 1, 2018 WIPO’s Page on the Meeting SCCR36 – WIPO’s draft action plans on copyright limitations and exceptions NGO letter to WIPO SCCR delegates expressing grave concerns about proposed WIPO treaty for broadcasting SCCR36 A look… Continue Reading

SCCR36 A look at 2 big issues: Deferred transmission and Term of Protection of Broadcasts

First: Deferred transmission. What is a deferred transmission? Here are the definitions in Daren Tang’s (the Chair of the SCCR) text of the treaty. Available here: (f) “near simultaneous transmission” means a transmission for the reception by the public… Continue Reading