SCP 26

July 3 to July 6, 2017 WIPO’s Page for the Meeting SCP26 – Agreement reached on future work reached at WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (6 July 2017) WIPO SCP 26 KEI Side Event: Running royalties as… Continue Reading

WIPO’s proposed treaty on broadcasting

KEI’s timeline of WIPO negotiations on the treaty from 1961 to 2023 is available here. For SCCR 43, March 13 to March 17, 2023 Meeting documents. (link) English version of Second Revised Draft Text for the WIPO Broadcasting Organizations Treaty,prepared… Continue Reading

Orphan works (copyright and related rights)

KEI has advocated for copyright exceptions to expand access to works protected by copyright and related rights, when the owners of the rights cannot be located after reasonably diligent searches. Among the areas where KEI has be particularly active is… Continue Reading

Copyright exceptions

The evolution of exceptions in the Berne Convention: The Berne Convention revisions for limitations and exceptions to copyright, 2012:1 KEI Research Note Why do US and EU trade negotiators hate the Berne Copyright Limitations and Exceptions February 20, 2013. The… Continue Reading

Term of protection for copyright and related rights

2009 2009: Minimum TRIPS Terms of Protection for Copyright and Related Rights 2009: TransAtlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) resolution on copyright terms 2009: Terms of Protection for Copyright and Related Rights in multilateral treaties 2012 2012: Republican Study Committee report suggests… Continue Reading

Copyright and Related Rights

We have a lot of information on copyright issues,some reported in the blogs about trade negotiations like TPP, ACTA and NAFTA, RCEP or the WIPO SCCR negotiations. In addition to having separate pages on several of the trade negotiations, we… Continue Reading