KEI Statement on United Nations Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines Report

On September 14, 2016, the United Nations Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines issued its long-awaited report, which addressed the policy incoherencies between intellectual property, trade, human rights, innovation, and public health.

The report is available here:
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WIPO Marrakesh Treaty for the blind to come into force September 30, 2016, following ratification by Canada

On June 30, 2016, the WIPO Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled received its 20th ratification, from Canada, and this will bring the Treaty into force September 30, 2016. The WIPO announcement was here. WIPO Director General Francis Gurry made a statement about the Marrakesh Treaty’s imminent entry into force in the video below:

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SCCR 32 Day 1 Agenda and Group Statements

The various groups statements from Asia and Pacific, Group B, Africa Group, GRULAC etc. were about the stated positions regarding the topics on the table i.e.the protection of broadcasting, cablecasting (and webcasting) organizations, the limitations and exceptions and for some their interest in new topics including the resale rights and the digital environment context study proposal. No surprises here. Continue Reading



Chair: Brazil, you still have the floor.
>> BRAZIL: Thank you, Chair.
Regarding a very quick follow-up to your question regarding — as I mentioned, the proposal was presented and supported in 201 and 204 of the draft report and we understand it should be also reflected. We understand that this could be also a bridge of positions getting comfort to many Delegations that have concerns on this matter. These are the details that you have requested. Thank you, Chair.
>> CHAIR: Thank you for that.
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SCCR 32 Day 1: US Delegation Statement on some definitions

UNITED STATES: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just to weigh in on a couple of the definitions that have been under discussion to date, so with respect to program carrying signal on the bracketed, the first bracketed language as originally transmitted and in any subsequent technical format, we agree with the E.U. that that is probably an important phrase to retain in as much as it makes clear that subsequent technical modifications of the signal will not result in the loss of protection of the originally transmitted signal.

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SCCR 32 Day 1: EU statment on some definitions

EUROPEAN UNION: Thank you, Chair, for giving us the floor again. Just for clarity on our position, I think that on the definition of program, we would count ourselves as one in this delegation that see such addition as an obstacle to exercising rights under this treaty and that’s why we maintain after your clarifications also that we would prefer to see it deleted from the definition of program the phrase that is authorized by the right holder for transmission.

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