SCCR 29 Morning Session: Is the Broadcasting Treaty crawling back?

The morning session of SCCR 29 (Dec 8-12, 2014) ended with a coffee break which will be followed by informals (that we are not allowed to report on at this point). After the usual decisions this morning i.e, Adoption of the agenda of the twenty ninth session then Accreditation of new non governmental organizations (and yes, the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property (PIJIP) is in!) we had the Adoption of the Report of the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights. Continue Reading

Save the Date – 10 December 2014: The Broadcasting Treaty: A Solution in Search of a Problem?

On Wednesday, 10 December 2014, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) will convene a side event entitled, “The Broadcasting Treaty: A Solution in Search of a Problem?”; the event will take place in Room B of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) from 13:30 to 15:00. Continue Reading

Former WTO Director-General, Pascal Lamy, mooted to chair Global Fund’s Equitable Access Initiative

On 14 March 2014, KEI published “Resurrecting the Ghost of Høsbjør Past: Global Fund seeks to establish global framework on tiered pricing enforced by WTO rules” in which we provided an analysis of the Global Fund’s plans to create a global framework for tiered pricing enforced by the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Continue Reading

New leak of TPP consolidated text on intellectual property provides details of pandering to drug companies and publishers

For more information:
James Love, Knowledge Ecology International
email:, +1.202.361.3040

The May 16, 2014 version of the consolidated negotiating text for the Intellectual Property Chapter for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is a long, complex document that taken as a whole is designed to expand and extend monopolies on knowledge goods, including in particular publisher-owned copyrights, patents on inventions, and monopoly rights in data used to register new drugs, vaccines and agricultural chemical products.

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SCCR28: Chair’s Conclusions (No recommendations on broadcasting or limitations and exceptions for libraries and archives)

At 12:50 AM on 5 July 2014, the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) 28th Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights concluded without reaching agreement on recommendations to the WIPO General Assembly on the following two topics: 1) Protection of Broadcasting Organizations and 2) Limitations and exceptions: libraries and archives. Continue Reading