New leak of TPP consolidated text on intellectual property provides details of pandering to drug companies and publishers

For more information:
James Love, Knowledge Ecology International
email:, +1.202.361.3040

The May 16, 2014 version of the consolidated negotiating text for the Intellectual Property Chapter for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is a long, complex document that taken as a whole is designed to expand and extend monopolies on knowledge goods, including in particular publisher-owned copyrights, patents on inventions, and monopoly rights in data used to register new drugs, vaccines and agricultural chemical products.

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SCCR28: Chair’s Conclusions (No recommendations on broadcasting or limitations and exceptions for libraries and archives)

At 12:50 AM on 5 July 2014, the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) 28th Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights concluded without reaching agreement on recommendations to the WIPO General Assembly on the following two topics: 1) Protection of Broadcasting Organizations and 2) Limitations and exceptions: libraries and archives. Continue Reading

KEI statement on library exceptions at WIPO SCCR 28

These are the notes from my statement on behalf of KEI on July 3, 2014, during the WIPO SCCR 28 discussions of principles and objectives for library copyright exceptions. The WIPO discussions on July 3 focused on the four topics in the US paper, SCCR/26/8.

I will start with comments on the statements made by the Federation of Independent Journalists, which were critical of library copyright exceptions, and authors who don’t make a living directly from royalties.

All authors have used libraries. Some authors still use libraries.

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Copyright exceptions for libraries: Principles or International Framework? Day 4 sccr28

SCCR 28 July 3, 2014 day 4 Plenary. 10am to 1pm
After 3 days of discussions on the broadcasters’ needs and wants, today, the Committee started to discuss “objective & principles” for exceptions and limitations for libraries and archives with a presentation by the delegation of the United States.

The first topic was national exceptions followed by research and human development (next blog). This afternoon the 3rd point will be exceptions and limitations in a digital environment.

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