21 May 2021 – The Pandemic Preparedness Treaty: Unlocking intellectual property, knowledge and know-how for the public good

Ahead of the 74th World Health Assembly, Health Action International, Knowledge Ecology International, and Medicines Law & Policy will be co-hosting a discussion with a high-level panel on what a pandemic response treaty should say about the sharing of rights… Continue Reading

Canada based Biolyse Pharma Seeks to Manufacture COVID-19 Vaccines for Low-Income Countries, may test Canada’s compulsory licensing for export law

On March 11th 2021, Biolyse Pharma (“Biolyse”) issued a statement publicly indicating their capacity to manufacture a COVID-19 vaccine and their intent to apply for a compulsory license in Canada. Biolyse is a Canadian manufacturer of cancer drugs based out… Continue Reading

$1.8 Billion Sanofi Vaccine Contract Contains International Reference Pricing Clause, Preserves Standard IP and Data Rights

The contract awarding Sanofi Pasteur (“Sanofi”) 1.8 billion U.S. taxpayers’ dollars for the development and manufacture of a COVID-19 vaccine was posted in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Electronic Reading Room on November 30, 2020. Overall, the… Continue Reading

Musical chairs: WIPO unveils new leadership team

UPDATE: On Friday, 27 November 2020, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) published document WO/CC/79/2, Appointment of Deputy Directors General and Assistant Directors General, in all six United Nations languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish) confirming the information… Continue Reading

WIPO Secretariat Report on Limitations and Exceptions at SCCR 40

Discussions, or rather statements on limitations and exceptions started with the WIPO Secretariat’s report on regional seminars and an international conference that took place in 2019. See Documents: Report on Regional Seminars and International Conference (SCCR/40/2) (available in six languages);… Continue Reading

WIPO SCCR 40 (hybrid session): Oral statement of Knowledge Ecology International on agenda item 5: Protection of broadcasting organizations

17 November 2020 Oral statement of Knowledge Ecology International – agenda item 5 – Protection of broadcasting organizations. New measures to address signal theft are one thing. But durable post-fixation rights to entities that just retransmit works by authors, performers… Continue Reading