Since 1974, the “Special 301 Report” (the Report) provides an annual review of the state of intellectual property protection and enforcement among U.S. trading partners around the world. Amended in 1988 by Congress, the Trade Act is “to provide for… Continue Reading →
On March 31st, 2020, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) published its 2020 National Trade Estimates Report on Foreign Trade Barriers (NTE). As USTR notes, in “accordance with section 181 of the Trade Act of 1974, as… Continue Reading →
For more on KEI’s work on COVID-19, see Today, with an overwhelming 127 votes in favor and 0 votes against, the Chilean Chamber of Deputies approved a strong resolution asking the Chilean Government to declare that there is justification… Continue Reading →
Updated between 11 March 2020 to 18 March 2020 to include reactions from stakeholders on the nomination of Daren Tang (Singapore) as Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Brook K. Baker, Senior Policy Analyst Health GAP (Global… Continue Reading →
On Friday, 14 February 2020, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) submitted the following comments on a Draft Issues Paper on Intellectual Property Policy and Artificial Intelligence prepared by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The Secretariat published this draft issues paper… Continue Reading →
On Friday, 14 February 2020, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) submitted the following comments on the Draft General Comment on Science and economic, social and cultural rights prepared by the the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural rights (CESCR). The draft… Continue Reading →
Filed in 84 FR 68128, Docket No. 191126-0092. KEI-NIST-RFC-iEdison, 27Jan2020 January 27, 2020 Dr. Courtney Silverthorn Deputy Director, Technology Partnerships Office, National Institute of Standards and Technology Technology Partnerships Office 100 Bureau Drive, MS 2200, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, Re:… Continue Reading →
Copy of the 1976 Tunis Model Law on Copyright for Developing Countries, published by WIPO and UNESCO.
Berne Convention revisions, and the evolution of its limitations and exceptions to copyright, includes a discussion of the quotation right issues addressed also by Ricketson. WIPO Studies and Reports The sections of SCCR9/7, the April 5, 2003 study on copyright… Continue Reading →
This is the KEI request to appear at the January 30, 2020, USTR public hearing on petitions from the IIPA to impose higher tariffs (revoke GSP benefits) on South Africa and Indonesia over copyright issues. The docket is here:… Continue Reading →