October 21 to October 25, 2019 WIPO’s page NGO Objections to the Proposed WIPO Broadcasting Treaty SCCR 39: Opening statement of Knowledge Ecology International SCCR 39: Selected Good Statements regarding a Bad Idea (at WIPO)


April 1 to April 5, 2019 WIPO’s page SCCR 38: More Member States on the Broadcasting Treaty SCCR 38 US Statement on the Broadcasting Treaty KEI Statement on Broadcasting Treaty Proposal at SCCR 38 SCCR38: Draft Recommendation for 2019 WIPO… Continue Reading


April 1 to April 5, 2019 WIPO’s Page

NGO letter to WIPO negotiators, regarding proposal to sidetrack WIPO work on copyright limitations and exceptions

NGO-letter-on-proposed-LnE-agenda-change-SCCR39-10.21 Chair-proposal-NEXT STEPS 10-21-19 October 21, 2019 RE: Chair Proposal on Next Steps for Agenda Items 5 and 6 Dear Delegates at WIPO SCCR 39: We are shocked by the attached proposal of the Chair to change the title of… Continue Reading