WHO informal consultation (3 December 2020) addressed concerns on price transparency and shortages

On Monday, 11 January 2021, the secretariat of the World Health Organization (WHO) published an 18 page report on the Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property (EB148/10). The Director-General’s report contains a detailed… Continue Reading

EB 148: WHO board paper on expanding access to effective treatments of cancer and rare and orphan diseases including cell and gene-based therapies

On 16 December 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) published a paper that delighted in the name, Expanding access to effective treatments for cancer and rare and orphan diseases, including medicines, vaccines, medical devices, diagnostics, assistive products, cell- and gene-based… Continue Reading

KEI Comments on NIH Proposed Exclusive Patent License to St. Louis University for Treatment and Prevention of Neuropathic Pain With P2Y14 Antagonists

On December 3, 2020, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) submitted comments to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) regarding the “Prospective Grant of Exclusive Patent License: Treatment and Prevention of Neuropathic… Continue Reading

$1.8 Billion Sanofi Vaccine Contract Contains International Reference Pricing Clause, Preserves Standard IP and Data Rights

The contract awarding Sanofi Pasteur (“Sanofi”) 1.8 billion U.S. taxpayers’ dollars for the development and manufacture of a COVID-19 vaccine was posted in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Electronic Reading Room on November 30, 2020. Overall, the… Continue Reading

Foundational mRNA patents are subject to the Bayh-Dole Act provisions

Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman are often described as the pioneers of the mRNA discoveries that underpin the first COVID-19 vaccines. In 2005 both scientists published a paper reporting that a slightly tweaked version of mRNA that can be administered… Continue Reading

KEI comments to FDA on Prospective Exclusive Patent License for Diagnostic for SARS, SARS-CoV-2, Other Viruses, Bacteria and Bacterial Serovar, to Advion

To: Ken Millburne Technology Transfer Program Food and Drug Administration Via email: Kenneth.millburne@fda.hhs.gov From: James Love Knowledge Ecology International 1621 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20009 https://keionline.org Date: November 30, 2020 Re: Prospective Grant of an Exclusive Patent… Continue Reading

WTO TRIPS Council – 20 November 2020 – South Africa’s defense of the TRIPS waiver

On Friday, 20 November 2020, the World Trade Organization (WTO) convened an informal, virtual meeting of the TRIPS Council to discuss a proposal (IP/C/W/669) co-sponsored by Eswatini, India, Kenya, and South Africa for a waiver from certain provisions of the… Continue Reading

KEI Comments on Proposed Exclusive License to Connectyx for Degenerative Retinal Disease Treatment

On November 6, 2020, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) submitted comments to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) regarding the, “Prospective Grant of an Exclusive Patent License: Development of a Direct Ocular Administered Formulation of Metformin for Use in Therapeutic Treatment… Continue Reading

$1 Billion Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Contract Weakens IP and Data Protections for Taxpayers

On November 7, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) posted another COVID-19 vaccine contract: the $1 billion agreement between Janssen Pharmaceutical (a component of Johnson & Johnson (“J&J”)) and the U.S. government (through an intermediary called Advanced… Continue Reading

Regeneron COVID-19 Contract Weakens the Government’s Rights in Data

On November 5, 2020, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals published a redacted version of the contract awarding the company $450 million taxpayers’ dollars for the large-scale manufacture of Regeneron’s investigational COVID-19 antibody treatment. The contract uses Other Transactions Authority to weaken the U.S.… Continue Reading