Letter from 19 groups asking HHS to take action on the ​request that HHS use the federal government rights in patents on the prostate drug enzalutamide, marketed by Astellas under the brand name Xtandi.

Attached is a letter from 19 groups asking HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra to take action on the ​request that HHS use the federal government rights in patents on the prostate drug enzalutamide, marketed by Astellas under the brand name Xtandi.… Continue Reading

Letter to Secretary of HHS Xavier Becerra regarding Xtandi march-in case from Robert Sachs and Clare Love

SecBecerra-18Nov2022-Sachs-Love-Xtandi November 18, 2022 Xavier Becerra Secretary Department of Health & Human Services Washington, DC Via Email: xavier.becerra@hhs.gov Dear Secretary Becerra: Today marks the one-year anniversary since the undersigned prostate cancer patients petitioned the Department of Health & Human Services… Continue Reading

166 contracts disclosed in SEC filings include authorizations to use U.S. patents without consent from patent holders

On 12 October 2022, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) published a briefing note on the U.S. federal government FAR 52.227-1 authorizations (for non voluntary use of patents) disclosed in 166 SEC exhibits. KEI Briefing Note 2022:2, Federal government FAR 52.227-1 authorizations… Continue Reading

KEI review of 62 COVID 19 contracts reveals 59 authorizations for non-voluntary use of third party patents under 28 USC 1498

Since the COVID 19 Pandemic began, there has been a spirited debate over patent rights, including a highly publicized 20 month debate over a proposed WTO waiver on intellectual property rights. During that time a handful of countries have taken… Continue Reading

Human Rights Council heats up during informal talks on inequality, international solidarity, and intellectual property

UPDATE: On Monday, 4 July 2022, a revised version of the Core Group’s access to medicines, vaccines, and other health products resolution (A/HRC/50/L.13) was circulated. The current co-sponsors include: Argentina, Brazil, China, Ecuador,* Egypt,* India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Namibia, Nepal, Paraguay,… Continue Reading

Constituency statement for Knowledge Ecology International, Health Action International, Oxfam, and Public Services International: Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies

On 24 May 2022, I delivered the following constituency statement on behalf of Knowledge Ecology International, Health Action International, Oxfam, and Public Services International on the following topic: “16.2 – Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies” at… Continue Reading