October 21 to October 25, 2019 WIPO’s page NGO Objections to the Proposed WIPO Broadcasting Treaty SCCR 39: Opening statement of Knowledge Ecology International SCCR 39: Selected Good Statements regarding a Bad Idea (at WIPO)

WTO TRIPS Council: Submission of South Africa on R&D Costs and Pricing of Medicines and Health Technologies

On Friday, 4 October 2019, the World Trade Organization (WTO) published a submission by the Republic of South Africa on “R&D Costs and Pricing of Medicines and Health Technologies” (IP/C/W/659). In this paper, South Africa requested the WTO TRIPS Council… Continue Reading

KEI letter to Senator Coons regarding injunction provisions in STRONGER Patents Act

KEI-Sen-Coons-injunctions-strongpatentsact-11Sept2019 September 11, 2019 The Honorable Senator Christopher Coons 218 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Coons: Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) is a public interest group based in Washington, DC. KEI focuses on policies relating to the… Continue Reading