SCP 27

December 11 to December 15, 2017 WIPO’s Page for the Meeting SCP27: WIPO patent committee agrees to future work on patent oppositions, exceptions and limitations, and patents and health SCP27: South Africa urges WIPO to invite UNHLP Co-Chairs to present… Continue Reading

Trade Policy Reviews

KEI page on the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Trade Policy Reviews All members of the WTO are subject to review under the Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM). The TPRM takes place in the “Trade Policy Review Body which is actually… Continue Reading

18 members of the House of Representatives call for compulsory license on patents for HCV treatments

Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA-17) was joined by 17 other members of Congress in calling upon Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar to issue a compulsory license on patents for medications to treat hepatitis C, by exercising 28… Continue Reading

United States non-voluntary use of patents

Read first: Statutory authority for compulsory licenses on patents in the United States KEI Workshop: Feb 24, 2017 – U.S. History, Experiences, and Prospects of Compulsory Licensing of Medical Patents. There is a Video of the event here here. Non-voluntary… Continue Reading

October 2017: Dueling narratives on compulsory licensing emerge from the WTO TRIPS Council

The October 2017 meeting of the WTO TRIPS Council witnessed heated discussions on compulsory licensing within the context of IP and the Public Interest. As reported earlier by Knowledge Ecology International, on 31 May 2017, Brazil, China, Fiji, India, and… Continue Reading


Some key events in the early development of the proposal for a Pan African Intellectual Property Organization Joelle Dountio 10 February 2013 Feb 2003. The Secretariat of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), which is a program of the… Continue Reading

Africa, compulsory licensing

To be added, the early CLs on HIV drugs in several African countries. South Africa 2013 2003: CPTech’s 2003 reports for the RSA Competition Commission, in Hazel Tau et al.v GSK, Boehringer, et al. CPTech was the consultant to the… Continue Reading

Asia, compulsory licensing

India 2010 2010: India’s intervention to the WTO TRIPS Council: TRIPS plus enforcement trends, 2010-06-10 2011 2011: Karl De Gucht writes Andris Piebalgs on topic of European Union IPR demands on India and other developing countries, 2011-05-28 2011: WTO TRIPS… Continue Reading