Latin America, compulsory licensing

Brazil 1990-2000 Comments for the Working Group On Intellectual Property Rights, Third Trade Ministerial and Americas Business Forum, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, May 13-16,1997, 1997-05-16 2005 U.S. DoS Cable: U.S. PHARMA FIRMS THREATENED WITH LICENSING (Brazil), June 3, 2005. U.S. DoS… Continue Reading

Europe, compulsory licensing

EU For an earlier survey, see: 2014:1 KEI Research Note: Recent European Union Compulsory Licenses. 2014-03-01 DG-Enterprise – data exclusivity prevents access to life saving drugs (in the EU), even in an emergency situation, 2012-07-31 Germany German Court Issues Compulsory… Continue Reading

Colombia, compulsory licensing

2008 Colombian Submission to the WHO IGWG negotiation, 2008-03-07 2015 Switzerland pressures Colombia to deny compulsory license on imatinib, 2015-08-17 2016 Colombia takes an important step in defining the public interest in compulsory licensing case, 2016-03-04 Colombia Technical Committee Recommends… Continue Reading

SCP 26

July 3 to July 6, 2017 WIPO’s Page for the Meeting SCP26 – Agreement reached on future work reached at WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (6 July 2017) WIPO SCP 26 KEI Side Event: Running royalties as… Continue Reading

Compulsory licensing

Global norms on compulsory licensing Country experiences Compulsory licensing in the United States Statutory authority for compulsory licenses on patents in the United States Compulsory licensing as a remedy to anticompetitive practices Compulsory licensing under the Bayh-Dole Act Compulsory licensing… Continue Reading