Copyright exceptions for libraries: Principles or International Framework? Day 4 sccr28

SCCR 28 July 3, 2014 day 4 Plenary. 10am to 1pm
After 3 days of discussions on the broadcasters’ needs and wants, today, the Committee started to discuss “objective & principles” for exceptions and limitations for libraries and archives with a presentation by the delegation of the United States.

The first topic was national exceptions followed by research and human development (next blog). This afternoon the 3rd point will be exceptions and limitations in a digital environment.

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SCCR28: Chile’s opening statement on copyright limitations and exceptions

2 July 2014
On day 3 of WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR28), Chile delivered the following opening statement on copyright exceptions and limitations

Intervención general

Sr Presidente, nos alegra verlo presidir este comité y agradecemos a la secretaría por la labor realizada para llevar a cabo esta reunión.

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SCCR28: Opening statement of the United States on copyright limitations and exceptions

2 July 2014

On day 3 of WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR28), the United States of America delivered the following opening statement on copyright exceptions and limitations.



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SCCR28: Opening statement of the Asia Pacific Group

On Monday, 30 June 2014, Bangladesh, on behalf of the Asia Pacific Group, delivered its opening statement at SCCR 29. The Asia Pacific Group includes such nations as Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand. On limitations and exceptions, the Asia Pacific Group proposed the an innovative model to move discussions forward:

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EU’s TTIP Anti-Transparency Rules laid out in DG-Trade letter to USTR

Previously, KEI reported on the terms of reference (TOR) for the confidentiality of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiating texts, as laid out in a letter by USTR to DG-Trade. Although evidently publicly available, the EU counterpart of that letter was not accessible through the FOIA process. Obtained through the EU Regulation (EC) No. Continue Reading

SCCR28 Day 1 Rules for Informal

Before leaving for room B with the head of the regional groups the Chair announced the schedule and the rules:

CHAIR: We are ready to move to an informal format. So we can break immediately to move to room B. And the plenary would reconvene. Since we don’t have an idea of how the work is going to be developed in the room B format, we are not in condition to say that we can re initiate the plenary tomorrow morning. So we will let you know, and you will realize how the work is ongoing through this facilities that we will have here to listen that kind of work.
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SCCR28: Venezuelan and Uruguayan reaction to Chair’s proposal to invite broadcasters to provide technical expertise in informals

During the first day of WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR28), the Committee was made aware of the Chair’s (Martin Moscoso, Peru) proposal to invite three experts from the broadcasting industry (1) Alexandre Jobim, International Association of Broadcasting, (2) Premila Manvi Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union and (3) Erica Redler (North American Broadcasters Association). Venezuela, noted,

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