An earler version of this was posted to ip-health. —– As the #TransparencyResolution finally moves onto the #WHA72 agenda, I would like to offer a few comments on the process. We have copies of six versions of the negotiating text,… Continue Reading →
On Thursday May 23, 2019, KEI, Doctors without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), and 44 more organizations and 10 individuals released an open letter to delegates of the 72nd World Health Assembly urging them to support a strong resolution on transparency… Continue Reading →
The WHO has published A72/A/CONF./2, for Agenda item 11.7. The date of the document is 23 May 2019, but it is the end of day negotiating text from Wed, May 22. The title is: Improving the transparency of markets for… Continue Reading →
On Monday, May 13th, Politico published the latest version (May 10, 2019) of the transparency resolution noting the “dizzying number of brackets” in the latest text. The original sponsors are: Italy, Greece, Malaysia, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey,… Continue Reading →
In advance of the 72nd World Health Assembly (20 May 2019 – 28 May 2019), the World Health Organization (WHO) published a document (A72/INF./5, 9 May 2019) entitled, Voluntary contributions by fund and by contributor, 2018. Total voluntary contributions to… Continue Reading →
The WHO has scheduled two information negotiations on the WHA transparency resolution, in Geneva, for May 7 and 10. Below is the revised version of the proposed resolution, that will be discussed at these two meetings. Improving the transparency of… Continue Reading →
KEI intervention at SCCR 38, on copyright limitations and exceptions April 3, 2019 KEI suggests the WIPO SCCR increase its ambitions on access to knowledge, making it more political, and while more challenging, more worth the investment of time and… Continue Reading →
This timeline provides copies of official documents not published before about the U.S. pressures in the Dominican Republic during the congressional debates that led to the adoption of the TRIPS-implementing legislation Law 20-00. These documents were obtained via FOIA requests.… Continue Reading →
On 1 February 2019, the World Trade Organization (WTO) published a submission (IP/C/W/651) by South Africa to the TRIPS Council on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest: Promoting Public Health Through Competition Law and Policy. The South African paper endeavors… Continue Reading →
The following PDF file includes several email exchanges between Pfizer and USTR regarding Colombia’s accession to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Pfizer proposed several conditions it wanted Colombia to agree to before the US would withdraw objections… Continue Reading →